
Are dems running scared?

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and do you think OB is losing sleep tonight?

Don't just try to make a point. Be HONEST.




  1. Honestly, you guys HAVE to be kidding.

    I saw Palin's speech.  I saw her use television time to reminisce about her family and mouth platitudes about McCain.

    Zero substance.

    Sounded like she was on "The View".

    All on $1 million- a - minute TV.

  2. Why would he?

  3. Fear leads to the path of the dark side, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffereing...

  4. Honestly I don't think he could care less. He knows he has millions of faithful supporters and no governor from Alaska could change that. latest polls has him up 50% to the 42% of McCain. So I think Obama is resting pretty easy.  

  5. Of Caribou Barbee and Mcsain? Don't make me laugh.

  6. The only thing I'm scared of are the reckless policies of neocons.  Most of the democrats I know are laughing at Palin's ignorance.

  7. If I didn't turn my back and run on the Vashna Nerada, I'm not going to turn my back and run on the Republicans. And of course Obama is losing sleep. He's running for the biggest position in the world. This is life changing stuff.

  8. I don't know that they are running scared because it's still early and a lot of things could change. But , the game is a lot more difficult than it was 2 weeks ago. A real contender has arrived, and it's gonna get interesting.

  9. No, but the American people will to be running scared, if they foolishly put the Republicans back in office!

  10. If not they should be losing a lot of it!

    Lets take a look at it this way Sarah Palin has More experience than all of the Democratic candidates put together. By the words expressed by the very people, now telling us to vote for Obama! HE HAS NO EXPERIENCE. HE IS NOT QUALIFIED. HE USED DOPE (COCAINE) BY HIS OWN ADMISSION.  He can not tell us the truth. Yet the Democrats tell us to vote for him when these same people told us how  Dan Quayle was not qualified because he misspelled the word potato! My how their standards have changed! He can not even tell us what a city coordinator's duties are! He does not even know how many states there are in the United States! As a member of his state Legislator he missed yes or no votes on 140 pieces of legislation, instead he voted (HERE)! What kind of vote is that?

  11. Do you mean because of Palin?

    If so, they should be.

  12. Hey Matthew,  I like the Caribou Barbie...that was indeed clever!

    I think that if the American people are dumb enough to put Palin and McCain into office for four more years of h**l like the last eight have been,  then God help us.   I would have to assume that they are just gluttons for misery.

    I think Obama is running a decent campaign and I hope Americans will have the good sense to vote for him.  

    The Republicans find the truth of things optional.   I guess GWB set a prescedent with his lies to America about the Iraq war of choice agenda and the rest just follow on thru.   Just make something up if you cannot find enough dirt in the truth and make a pregnant teen into the second Virgin Mary...only the Neocons could do that.

    Read if you don't believe me:

  13. Uh ...No. Are you serious?  

  14. Sorry but it's the same old "nationalism" and "we're the only real american patriots" "tax" BS drivel the conservatives spew

  15. I am actually more confident than ever. Sarah Palin was a ridiculous choice for VP, McCain is STILL a bush clone, and the RNC was completely un-inspiring.

  16. Poor dems, i wouldn't want to be in their shoes. Media is tryng to brainwash americans forcing him to vote for Oabam-Biden, but In nov americans will show they are smart enough not to put the establishment-ticket at the White House.

  17. Um, running scared from what? Trust me, there is absolutely NO intimidation among the dems. We are just going our way and trying to focus on the future, and the Republicans seem to be trying to fit their entire campaign to "out-do" the Democrats or make them look bad, and focusing on the past...So its obviously the other way around :)

  18. No check the polls

  19. Oh yeah. Biden was right! Obama is NOT ready to be President.

  20. If their incessant attacks on Sarah Palin demonstrate one is that they are afraid, very afraid that B.O. by comparison is truly an empty suit who will never be able to stand up to the experience and moral conviction of John McCain and Sarah Palin.

    Truth be told, there should be no question as to whom this country should elect based upon qualifications, but here we are anyway, trying to save this nation from the inexperience and lack of moral conviction of the Obama/Biden ticket.

    They think that the Conservatives are hypocrites because we do not condemn sarah Palin's daughter for being pregnant out of wedlock...and this only proves that they do not understand one iota of the Conservative Christian faith.

    We do not condemn a person for their mistakes, but we do ask that they be responsible for their actions.

    Sarah and her family have accepted the responsibility for their family and stand behind them as they try to make the most of a less than ideal situation, and we stand with her.

    Obama by his stance on the issue would have preferred that Sarah abort her own child with downs syndrome, and that Bristol Palin should have had an abortion...because after all, he said he wouldn't want his kids punished with a baby. I stand with Sarah Palin and John McCain against this complete hypocrisy from the democrats and the media.

    I thought that Liberals/Democrats were the ones who championed women's rights...who make it legal for a minor to be taken across state lines without parental consent for an abortion...yet they are against a mother and daughter who exercise their right actually keep their babies, and not abort them. The left demonizes a woman for showing compassion to her daughter by forgiving her and supporting her in a time of trouble. The left attempts to trash the character of a supermom who juggles career and family. I thought that Liberals would have been happy to see a woman, standing up to the good old boy establishment in government...yet apparently that only applies if it is a Dem/Liberal woman who does so. The tolerance and ideal only goes so far it seems.

    This is the most pathetic attempt to gain power I have seen in my adult life and it is sickening how childish and antagonistic this race has become.

    As for why Sarah was attacking Obama and his experience...because she was forced to defend herself and her qualifications to be VP by the media who has, since she was first chosen as McCains V.P., been deriding her, attacking her personally and politically, and without any justification, attacking her family.

    What you did not see, was Sarah attacking Obama's family, or his person. She attacked his actions, his stance on issues where there was one, and his time in office. You see, we actually believe that a person's family is out of bounds, unlike the MSM and the Democrat eilte.

  21. Why shouldn't we be scared?

    McCain will ruin us and there are people stupid enough to vote him in. My mother for example who I love dearly. She is pro-life and that means she's voting McCain. She has no idea on what he stands for. I think that's how a lot of republicans vote.  

  22. No i'm more confident than ever.. For a little while i thought there was a chance Obama might lose and we would be screwed but then when Palin said she doesn't know what a VP does i relaxed

    Thanks for your concern lol

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