
Are dentists part of the public health team?

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I am a student nurse, doing an essay on the oral health of preschool children in Scotland. I have to talk about the members of the public health team working to improve oral health. I was thinking health visitors, dental health support workers but wasn't sure about dentists. Any help is greatly appreciated :)




  1. yes,dental doctors are a part public health team as they r a part of our sense organs

  2. well i believe that dentists is part of the heath team but im not qute sore  so look it up ask some sone who might no so quick now go search it on google search the web  or just ask some one  

  3. A Dentist is actully the leader of the Health Team.  It is his words and his actions the assistants, front office team, Hygienist, lab techs follow.  He was taught and now a licensed to practice dental medicine, now he teaches the workers below him, and they follow his words and he teaches them how to do assisting.and to educate the public through his learnings.

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