
Are different campuses of a state university going to offer education of differing quality?

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One is 45 minutes away, the other is 10. Are state universities ever really good at one campus and bad at the other?




  1. First of all, depends on the state.  I'm from California, so in the case of the California Public Higher Education system, yeah.  Generally speaking, there is a state flagship university that is the best of the lot, and then the rest offer the same basic level.  Not as true in california (UC's at top, CSU's in the middle, and CC's at the bottom, plus differently ranked schools among each tier), but true for many other states.  

  2. Yes, I live in AZ and go to ASU there are 4 campuses and I take classes at 2 of them. They are the same school and have the same academic standards. So I would go for the one that is closer! And if it is like my school I park at the closer one and take the shuttle to the one that is far away, it is free and I get to nap on the way!  

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