
Are dinosaurs for real?

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do the bones prove thier existence?




  1. Yes, that is what the scientists are saying.

    Not sure that it can be disproven when there are so many millions of artifacts across the world proving they are real.

    They also found remnants of their dung in fossilized states so yeah, they are real for sure.

  2. Yes

  3. yer i would say so...

    i mean there is so so so many bones that no one planted it a evidence... so yer dinasorus r real 100% but we dont no if they were green and scaly or pink and fluffy

  4. Dinosaurs no longer are alive

  5. There is a whole lot of evidence and when you pull human bones out of the ground you see the same thing.  When you pull elephants, whales and other animals that we know exist now you see the same thing.  It takes a long time for bones to fossilize, but it does happen.  We have even found intact Mammoths

    Intact Mammoths, totally whole, have been found under the ice in Russia; and the scientists had to eat the meat (well you had to get rid of it somehow because it would spoil).  So if we know for a FACT that mammoths existed and we first learned about them through the fossil record then anything else we find through the fossil record is probably true.

    Ancient man found dinosaur skeletons, but they called it records of Cyclops and other monsters because they couldn't put them together right.  In China they thought they were proof of dragons (they got it pretty close).  Few intact skeletons are found after all the tendons decay away.  So what ancient man found was a skull a few thigh bones or such and a collection of other bones, they pulled them out of the ground; taking no care to keep them in order, looked at them made hasty judgments and threw them away.  Even today it takes a trained and careful eye to find fossils, I would probably not even notice them walking by a cliff full of them.

    The skin coloring is a bit of a guess as are some other things, but we find fossilized plants with the animals and have  a pretty good idea of what they ate.  We used to think that the T-Rex was a slow moving carnivore, now we think it was much faster and I have a theory that the oxygen levels back them may have been higher than we think so that would make them more powerful.  We can detect ice core samples from the past; but I doubt if we have cores that reach as far back as the Jurassic Period.

    Plants occupied the land first and were around a long time before animals came onto the surface.  We have to make a lot of deductions and guesses about dinosaurs, but they are always based on simple facts.

    Then we have the current evidence of dinosaurs; crocodiles and alligators.  The Komodo Dragon and other large lizards are the direct descendants of dinosaurs, as oxygen levels dropped and evolution progressed the age of mega animals came to a close; first there were mega reptiles (the dinosaurs) and then mega mammals (like Mammoths and saber tooth tiger).  Sharks are pretty much unchanged, just smaller; it takes a lot of food to keep a mega animal alive and with evolution many of them died off and were replaced by smaller versions of themselves.  Of course the reverse happened as well, the original proto-horse was the size of a dog.

    The amount of evidence that says dinosaurs existed is pretty good, and large; almost as much evidence as we have that the Babylonians and Ancient Greeks existed, yet no one disbelieves in them.

    According to Wikipedia:

    “Various religious groups have views about dinosaurs that differ from those held by the vast majority of scientists, usually due to conflicts with creation stories in their scriptures. However, most of the scientific community rejects these religiously-inspired interpretations of dinosaurs.”

    Even the “Creationist Museum” has now included dinosaurs in an attempt to claim that they too were in the Garden of Eden and were killed off when Noah didn’t take them aboard his ark.  The time lines don’t agree in the remotest sense, but when arguing with faith mere facts don’t always work.

  6. yes, they are real and you can see them at museums!


    no the bones are a mere accidental coincidence of nature rocks grind into shapes of bones and when put together they just happen to make skeletons like animals today

    no they never exsisted because god exists and he created the earth 10000bc therefore logic and reason is wrong or are they are wrong either way god made up bones so scientists would be confused in thier thinkings

  8. Yes, basically.

    The various skulls alone prove their existence, but it doesn't hurt that complete skeletons, such as this:

    have been found.

  9. i guess.......

  10. Yes There real

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