
Are doctors enforced by law to treat a patient if they have an ailment?

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I have an issue with my nose where the cartiledge is being twisted causing presure on my nose and head. First of all I've seen several doctors, didn't have insurance at first but got a job that does and it doesn't matter if it's preexisting or not. I see doctors and they send me to another doctor, I get cat scan and they send me to another and he looks at my scans and says he doesn't seen anything wrong. I explain to him the the cartiledge in my nose is poping and that is where the pain is. I demonstrated it and he tells me that it's just cartilege (indicating that it has nothing to do with my pain). I told him I have a patch of thick skin on my nose causing pressure on my cartiledge and causing pain. He still dimisses it and says he doesn't see anything wrong except for some allergy type symptoms and says he'll give me whatever medications I want. Now this is a doctor from the local college.

I am getting the feeling they don't want to treat me. What can I do?




  1. Get a second opinion.  Many patients attempt to self-diagnose and too often are wrong, because they have heard about the latest and greatest "fad" ailment from the pharmaceutical ads on TV, and think they have it too.  Unfortunately, because of these ads, and increasing consumer awareness, along with MISinformation on the Internet (as much as there is correct information), doctors these days are less likely to listen to patients who try to self-diagnose and who insist they have the correct diagnosis.

    While it's fine to go to a doctor after having researched symptoms of a condition that you think you may have, the doctor is the only one who can effectively diagnose your condition.  

    If you're positive that's what is wrong with you, get another opinion, and persist gettting opinions until someone gives you a satisfactory answer.

  2. Well doctors cant turn you away if there is something wrong with you, its against the law. Im not sure which one it is, but I know an ENT specialist and they told me its illegal to turn people away.

    About the pain, if they cant find anything, maybe it is just allergy symptoms. there isnt some secret in your body you dont know about.

  3. The thirteenth amendment to the constitution outlawed slavery. When they do treat, it's up to them how. You can't force them to do what you want. You're welcome to additional opinions, of course, but at some point, when enough of them tell you there's nothing they can fix, you may have to come to the conclusion that there's nothing they can fix.

  4. If the doctor can't figure out what's wrong, she certainly shouldn't try to treat it.

    Get a second opinion, and make sure that you are seeing an ENT specialist.

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