
Are doctors just out to get money?

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i went to same doctor 3 times in 1 month.. nurse weighs me in everytime, and take blood pressure I get same SCORE all time...what is the point of doing this when i was there 2 days before?

that dr , couldve taken my blood when i was there before, and he said come back next week for blood test when he couldve taken it there which only takes 5 minutes.




  1. American doctors are not used to having to think about saving patient money because most do not care. Their insurance pays for it. But in this case you were just being charged for the visit.

  2. Some doctors are, some aren't.

    Why don't you just ask why they test you all the time?

    Aren't you glad they test you anyway?  Or are you an American and have to pay for every visit you make?

    Maybe you just don't understand what's going on.

    Anyway, what do you want us to do?  Are we supposed to call up your doctor for you?

  3. as a former physician, I have to say it was patients like you that had always questioned what we were doing. Always complaining about the way we thought treatments should go. I changed careers cause I couldn't stand patients that questioned everything. They only wanted quick fixes for their chronic problems- and they would never change their habits. They were always so quick to point fingers- yet never take the blame for their own problems. Your blood pressure is dynamic- always changing due to internal and external causes. For a definition of hypertension- you need three consecutive high readings on three different visits- because your bp like I said before is always changing. Next time you go see a doc- refuse your blood pressure check. become hypertensive- have a massive stroke- and blame it on your doc.

  4. A blood test can sometimes require special procedures depending on what it's for. Sometimes, you need to fast for 12 hours beforehand, which wouldn't work if you hadn't prepared for it that day. Other times, they might suspect an infection, but consider that your white cell count is still too low for a definitive positive or negative. Next time, ask them if you can get the blood test immediately and why not.

  5. Taking your vital signs is an important part of any visit to the doctor. It helps the physician diagnose any potential problems. A change in your vitals could indicate that there is something wrong.

    As for the confusion about his wanting to wait for your blood test, there may be many factors in his decision. It may be due to physiological factors that may affect the test, or it may be a simple scheduling issue.

    The best advice I can give you is to ask your doc questions about why he wants to take the course of action he is recommending. Doctors know that people (naturally) have a vested interest in their health, and I would be surprised if he were not willing to discuss with you his plan of action, as well as address your questions and concerns.

  6. You did not say why you went there.  Did he do anything else besides blood test.

    I go to doctors may be one or 2 times a year.  Nobody asks me to come back a second time, unless it is needed. For example.

    1.  Blood has to be drawn by a special person who only works 2-3 days of the week or only a certain time of the day.

    2.  The blood samples are picked up by a lab a certain time of the day.  If it is already picked up, they do not want your blood sitting around until the next day.

    3.  for most tests, you need a fasting blood sample.  Were you fasting for 12 hours, when you you went there the first time?

    4.  The blood test results come back only after 3-5 days.  Do you want to know the result?

    When you work you get paid.  Do you expect  the doctors, the nurses, secretaries work free for you?  They have to pay their phone bills, the electricity bills, the air conditioner and rent for the building.  If nobody wants to pay like you, they will not be there, next time you may want to go there.

  7. i think they are because like u said y come back to take your blood or something when u r all ready there..

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