
Are doctors no more perfect than us? Aren't doctors humans also? Can't sometimes the patient be more right?

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Would you agree with that? Because doctors made mistakes one me that I knew they would. Also I feel I am many times more often more right than they are. I believe in intuition, something doctors don't have, and that that's the key to health.

Agree or disagree?




  1. My experience you know your body bette than anyone else and the way the health system is now is horrifying!  Sometimes, it takes a long time for them to figure out what is wrong because they are overwhelmed and coordination of your medical care gets lost in that.  

  2. Although I think doctors are very smart, many of them think about health in linear symptoms.  They rely on what the patient says, and they follow the path of investigation of most likely problem with assessment.  If the patient does not tell them or the doc does not asks all the right questions, the diagnosis may be of a mere part of the problem, or an incorrect diagnosis.

    Most docs are trained in western medicine.  Not infuse info on nutrition, herbs, and other more holistic treatment of the body.mind.  There are more holistic docs and many insurance carriers are covering some things.

    Also, docs are not rewarded for their intuition anymore.  Insurance cos go with the odds, and I think influence what docs used to have with their intuitions.

    I do think the patient can be right, but depending on the issue, some sort of verification of diagnosis is needed.  At times, we think we have something and convince ourselves of it.  But we may not.

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