
Are doctors taught to be non judgemental

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with their patients? Just curious...




  1. Why should a doctor always be non judgmental? He/she is suppose to advise their patients on  what's best for their health. If the doctor thinks you're too obese, smoke too much,  drink too much, or abusing your body in other ways, he/she is obligated to make that judgment. The physical or mental well being of a doctor's patients trumps  having thier feelings.hurt.

  2. Doctors are taught a little more about patient psychology than they used to be, I understand, so that they can act with a little more sensitivity.  While I understand that the doctor's role is to care for the patient's health, sensitivity is called for if s/he wants to get results.  If a doctor is insulting, most patients will push back rather than comply with what the doctor wants, and no behavioral changes will occur.  

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