
Are dogs able to understand that kissing is a sign of affection?

by  |  earlier

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i know that dogs and human have very different body language that are interpreted differently- for example, lying ontop of a dog. you're probably just doing that for fun, as play, but the dog will percieve it as a show of dominance.

we, as humans, can research and understand the dog's body language. but can the dog learn that our body language is different, too? since they live with us 24/7? i don't want my dog to constantly feel dominated. and what would he percieve kissing to be? or hugging?




  1. Affection by means of nuzzling or l*****g is actually shared by all members of wild canine packs. Your dog probably understands very well that your kissing and hugging means you care.

  2. yes when they l**k you it's actually considered as them kissing you

  3. yes

  4. Dogs are really very, very good at reading our body language, determining our moods and intentions.  If it hasn't figured it out already, your dog will learn soon to at least tolerate kissing and hugging, even if it doesn't enjoy it.  If you really want your dog to feel loved, you need to learn where the best spots are that the dog likes to be rubbed or scratched gently.  Try the armpits, the chest, the base of the tail, the belly, behind the ears.  You can spend time teaching your dog to do things other than tolerate human displays of affection, such as simple tricks, retrieving, basic obedience, for which you can reward her/him with praise, petting and tiny special treats.  This way, you can keep his mind occupied so he won't be bored.  Dogs like to learn things, to play and to go to new places.

  5. i think they do

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