
Are dogs allowed to eat white chocolate?

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If not, why not?




  1. theres something in choclate that you cant give dogs

    please help.

  2. dogs beacome blind when they eat chocolate, or anything with sugar.

  3. While feeding candy to your dog is not the best idea if you are going to white chocolate is fine.  While it does contain some Theobromine (the toxic element in chocolate) it is contained in such a small amout it would take approximatly 12.5 lbs per lb of body weight to reach toxic levels.  

  4. White chocolate does technically have theobromine in it, but in trace amounts.  You will commonly see white chocolate on dog biscuits as pet bakeries and pet supply stores.  Never feed a dog regular chocolate, but white chocolate (pure white chocolate!) is something you'd really have to make an individual determination on.  If you do feed treats with white chocolate, I would do so sparing - they don't really need the sweets anyways!

  5. White chocolate is the least harmful of the chocolate types but none should be given.

    Why? Chocolate contains theobromine - a substance toxic to dogs.

    A small amount of chocolate given to a large dog is likely to not have any affect, slightly more chocolate and the dog may get diarrhea and way too much chocolate can actually cause a toxic reaction and kill.

    A site on chocolate:

  6. Chocolate is like a poison to dogs. It doesn't agree with them and can actually end up killing them.

  7. Why would you feed a dog candy? Bad move. Dogs are not people.  

  8. you are not allowed to give a dog any chocolate at all it is like you re giving them poison

  9. All chocolate is toxic to dogs, including white chocolate.  There is a chemical in chocolate called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine.  Theobromine is toxic to a dog when it ingests between 100 and 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.  (Interestingly enough, the same is true of humans for caffeine; if you consume 150 milligrams per kilogram of your body weight in caffeine, you could die.)

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