
Are dogs butter then cats?

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Are dogs better then cats? tell me what you think.




  1. some ppl say that dogs are better than cats. Cuz dogs p**p are not that smelly and stuff.

    But I will say both cuz they are both great pets.

    Dogs can't be train to go but cats can. Thats the good part that ppl who hates to walk their dogs.

    Cats and Dogs...they are cool and pets that are loving and stuff and can be kept for a long time :D

  2. well since your asking in the dog section what do you think?

    i say yes, ive never been a cat person and never will be.

  3. dogs are better cause more playfull

  4. I like dogs a lot better. They are smarter and more fun. And they do a lot more.

    Cats are only good if you want a pet that doesnt make too much mess and dont do anything

  5. mmmmmmmmm dog butter...

  6. well in my opinion yes.

    but it really depends on what you like.

    are you looking for a layed back pet?

    cause if you gett a cat almost all the time there not as hyper as dogs. but cats still play alot i guess.

    but for dogs there playful alot of the timee.

    both are good pets and good to cuddle with

  7. yes  

  8. yes. now someone tell my wife that!

  9. I think dogs are a more involved pet.  I also think they are more loyal, but each species has its own followers.  I dislike cats, but love dogs.

  10. Since I love both cats and dogs I have no answer.


  11. Are there trees in the woods?  Dogs rule!!

  12. To me, yes. I enjoy their company more than cats but that doesn't mean I don't like cats. Right now I am lucky my parents let me keep a dog but once I am on my own and able to financially support myself I will rescue a cat and 2 dogs I think ^_^

  13. i have both and my ideas of them are:


    Good: Playful, loyal, more attentive to you, wants to always be with you

    Bad:  Sometimes disgusting, needs more care+excerize


    Good: Independant, quiet, not as in your face

    Bad: Isnt as attached to owners (usually), cant do as much like take a walk in the park

    Sure, dogs have their good points but so do cats. I like them both.

  14. um yes dogs r way better there not that fistey and the dont scratch as bad i dont even think dogs scrathch and the claws hurt really bad it happened to some of my family members of like one pf them it leaft a mark for like when it scratched she said it hurt so if u r chosing on witch one to get defently get a dog.

  15. dogs are beast!!!!dogs rock!! and i didnt misspell best. i meant beast!!!!

    and dogs arent buttery tho. neither are cats.=p jk

  16. no. cant compare em. i like both

  17. i love animals, so i don't think any animal is better than any other animal. :] but i do prefer dogs because they are more playful. and i prefer cats when i want to relax.

  18. I like them equally.  It depends on what type of person you are.

    Are you active and want a buddy to play with?  Get a dog.

    Are you busy and want an animal but don't always have the time for one?  Get a cat... well... 2 cats.  They can keep each other company.  Yet you don't have to worry about taking them for a walk.

    Want something that "needs" you?  Get a dog.

    I don't know what this p**p business is all about.  Dog p**p makes me gag.  I'd rather clean a litter box out on its worse day.  And in that aspect, cats can be a little more expensive.

    As for getting into mischief, both can be equally guilty, although a dog is usually easier to train than a cat.

  19. will depends on the persons opinion but me, myself i would say yes

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