
Are dolphins capable of abstract thought?

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And if they are would they be capable of creativity, ie art? can they tell lies?




  1. well we dont even no if they can communicate with each other, we only no they can express emotions. (could be wrong)

  2. If you're interested in this sort of thing, check out "The Dragons of Eden" by Carl Sagan. I believe it has a bit in there about dolphins.

  3. Apparently so, and contrary to what aa_fugitive said, it is not mere cleverness but intelligence!

    Scientists and sociologists have worked with dolphin behavior for several decades now.  They find a working personality where dolphins actually perceive things in their anticipation, which is what abstract thought amounts to generally.  Dolphins pull humorous pranks, tease, and play games with one another and with humans, and that can only come about with abstract thought to arrive at a contrived situation which they are in control of.

    And by the way, Mannie is totally wrong that dolpins and humans are the only animals that have s*x for our pure pleasure of it, there are primates who do so as well.

  4. I'm not sure about that.  Now you have me wondering.

    Dolphins and Humans are the only mammals that have s*x to reproduce AND for simple pleasure.

    cool huh?

  5. Yes. A dolphin told me that she painted the Sistine Chapel from a fish tank on a scaffold. When I said she was lying she admitted it but said it proved she was capable of abstraction.

  6. Dolphins are so amazingly clever! ive seen dolphins drawing pics! they have a paint brush in their mouth and draw and ppl buy them! legends! :)

  7. yes they can also be g*y

  8. No, they just think they are.

  9. Not sure, but they clearly aren't stupid. Do you recall the Americans training them to hunt out mines, then they let them loose in the Gulf for that purpose and they all b*ggered off?

  10. If you can train them to jump through hoops by hinting that they will be rewarded with a fish, then yes, they are capable of abstract thought, i.e 'If I do this, then that will happen'. As for creating art, that is another thing all together. Dolphins don't really have the means to create art in the sense that we know it.

    With regards to telling lies, if they are capable of deceiving another animal in order to get food, then that would be a form of telling lies.

  11. They seem to be.  There are instances where one dolphin is taught some complicated set of tasks in order to get a prize (food, usually).  A second dolphin is giving the same task in the presence of the dolphin that has already learned the tasks.  The second dolphin runs through the tasks with no mistakes, he apparently was taught the steps by the first one.  Since the tasks have nothing comparable to life in the open sea some amount of abstract thought and considerable communication must be going on.

    Repetitions of the test also have shown that some dolphins are better teachers then others, some dolphins are slower learners than others.  That means dolphins have a range of intelligence within their normal range, some are are very smart, others just stupid.  And some may just not be very cooperative.

    I have never read about their telling lies but they do sometimes pull tricks on one another- jokes.

  12. No

  13. try asking one

    if they'r that clever,surely dialect is easier than creating a picasso masterpiece

  14. If captive dolphins love old Warner Bros. cartoons (Bugs, Porky, Sylvester, Daffy, Roadrunner, etc.) as much as you do, and they do, what do you think?

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