
Are dominicans white or black?

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okay well i am white and i like this guy who is dominican and my dad doesn't allow me to date blacks so are dominicans considered white or black?




  1. Dominicans (as well as a lot of the islands in the caribbean like Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc) come in various colors partly because of the slavery back when the spanish (in this case the whites) brought them to the island since a lot of native dominicans (which would look like native americans) died because of the illnesses the spanish brought over from the old continent. During all those years there were a lot interracial relationships. However blacks make up a larger population of the island.

  2. They are spanish

  3. ...neither. they are dominican.

    There are obviously dominicans who have african ancestry and resemble blacks, and in their country, the darker ones are treated as the blacks were here in the past (no, not slavery..just really rude and unequal and they're more poor) depends on how YOU look at it. does he look black? or does he look hispanic?

    regardless, they're neither white nor black..they're dominican...aka hispanic. i know you didn't mean to, but this was quite rude to ask. it's like saying that just because their skin is darker or lighter than the average hispanic, they aren't hispanic..they're either white or black, which isn't true. but anyways, if you like the guy...go for it. of course you can't bring him home to meet the parents anytime soon...or maybe ever...sorry for your pain.


    No im not fu**ing special apocol or w/e. yes i DO know that hispanic is not a race but there i personally do not like to use any other word to talk about all of the countries as one. Spanish is politically incorrect and to call them "whites and blacks who live in D.R., P.R., panama or w/e is incorrect. The U.S. Census Bureau doesn't classify hispanic as a race...known fact. But they DO still use the word to classify all of them as a whole. Now who's special?

    As for SweetLuv..Thank YOU for coming and saying it maturely instead of downplaying others to make themselves feel better like the a**hole that I just mentioned above. Thanks for being ladylike. =]

    **Spanish is used to represent spaniards you dumbfu*k.

    ****The term 'hispanic' is still used by the census bureau and government when mentioning all of the countries as a whole. therefore, it ISN'T my personal feeling. when you're talking about people from every country, are you going to personally pinpoint each country "columbians, mexicans, panamanians, salvadoreans, guatemalans" etc etc until you mention all 20 of them? or are you going to classify them as one group when referring to them?

    whoa. wikipedia is NOT  a reliable souce. why? because ANYBODY can log in and change the information. which is exactly why wikipedia is not allowed as a source when writing up reports, surveys, or in college or so be it.

  4. black, white and mixed

  5. I AM DOMINICAN. My family is of mixed race with many different backgrounds including even philipino believe it or not. We hispanics are racially mixed. the racist ones are of the past and will die off just like the racists in america that miss the 50's. Dominicans are MIXED.

    Americans should read more books.

  6. Onlimee is right. so is Latin G. They're NOT white nor black...they simply can LOOK it.

    and to sarafiso or whatever, we can clearly see ur jealousy coming through. she has latin blood in her so regardless, onlimee is obviously of latin descent. for you to come out and ignorantly say shes not proves how childish and ignorant u are. why not go back to school and learn what defines a race and learn to spell as well.

    First off, i have no african "roots". if you wanna refer to it like everyone is, my entire line was "white". there were and are no blacks or africans in my family history. so how again am i mulatto? not. nobody's ashamed of nothing if i had the roots i'd proudly display them too, but i don't have them.

  7. Like most Hispanics, they are a mixture of several different ethnicities.

    And tell your dad he would be able to sit down if he would get that stick out of his a*s.  

  8. mostly mulatto and speaking spanish dosent make you your own race sorry if you thought you were spesho onliimee

    wow i hate when dominicans deny their own heritage here is an encyclopedia to tell you of your history and race

    look under ethnic composition spanish is a language not a race go back to school

    danny h what is there to be jealous of i am mulatto just like you the only difference is i admit it. just be proud of your african roots and you will appear less ignorant.

    congratulaions danny h you are apart of the 10% of dominicans that dont have afican blood out of the 90% that do. maybe you should check out the racial issues part of the link i provided im sure you might have african blood but are just apart of the "brainwashed mentality described in that paragraph".also wikpedia is a reliable source.

    then go to a library and read a friggin encyclopedia it will all say the same thing most latinos deny there africans roots you and danny h are prime examples onlimee. its a shame if you ask me and its ignorant why do you think alot of ppl view dominicans as ignorant ppl. if there were no african slaves dominicans would not exisist. and fyi all you have to do is look wid your eyes to see that they are black or mixed and they look stupid when they try to act special like they belong to their own race i could claim to be my own race and no one would dispute me but honesty is always the best policy unfortunately latinos have been brainwashed by the spanairds for so long they dont have my way of thinking.

  9. Some are white, some are black, and some are mixed race.  

  10. They're latino/hispanic and they can be mullato or black and there are some that are white.

  11. - Oh dear they are Hispanic which means they can be of any race. Only you have seen the guy so you know what race he is; most are mulatto though

  12. Onliime is....special. Ignore her.

    Hispanic is not a race, and neither is Dominican. A person can be black or white and still be Dominican. You should be more worried about your dads prejudices, not the race of your boyfriend.

    Danny H- Race is a subjective system of Human classification based on Phenotype. I think you need to figure out what it means, as your arguement makes very little sense.

  13. lol.  they car latino....   but they can look black and they can look very white.... ; )  

  14. OnliiMe, If you dig back deep enough you will know that they really is no such thing as the hispanic race. Hispanics are a mixture of black, white, and "Indian"(Native Americans). Back when it was a TERRIBLE thing to be considered black, the people in region refused to be acknowledge as black or a mixture of black and so the hispanic race was created. Some hispanics have more white ancestry than others; so, some, people view them as white hispanics and the darker ones as black. But hispanics are just a mixture of the 3 previously stated races. What a lot of people dont know is that when the British first came over, there were 40 million Indians here and 38 million out of 40 million lived South of what is now the United States. That mean Mexico, Latin America, and South America.

    So to answer the answer of you the original poster. Saying someone is Dominican is the same as saying someone is American. So the answer to your question is neither. You cant tell what race someone is merely by knowing the country they were born in.

  15. idk...are americans white or black?

    you should date him anyway. forget your dad, be a renegade like me.

  16. Domincan is a nationality, not a race so therefore they can be White racially or Black racially.

    OnlyMee: u r an idiot! Hispanic is not a race. Are u really telling me that someone from DR who has African roots is of the same race as somebody from Argentina whose ancestory comes from Spain/Europe??? GROW UP!!!!!!

  17. This question is similar to asking if Cubans are black or white, or even if Americans are black or white. Some are white, some are black, some are mixed. Most Dominicans, (however they appear), are a mixture of European,  black, and Native. Dominicans consider themselves Dominican and, in general, do not focus on race as much as we do here in America. Ethnicity, nationality, and race are not the same. Date whomever you like.

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