
Are dried pineapples healthy?

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I know they are a fruit but they are also really sugary. I love them and eat them almost daily but is it healthy?




  1. omg I love those.

    Idk if they are unhealthy.

    But they are delicious!

  2. it sounds disgusting, fresh pineapple is way healthier  

  3. I dont think they put extra sugar on them. Pineapple is a naturally sugary fruit so when they dry it, it just ends up like that. However, look at the nutrition facts on the label to see if they are healthy or not.

  4. All dried fruit is extremely high in sugar.  Water is a large component of fresh fruit.  Remove it, and you've got concentrated sugar.  

    The small bowl full of fresh pineapple that you'd typically eat as a serving equals almost a whole pineapple worth of dried fruit.

  5. depends how much you eat and if ther is added sugar or not. but given your situation, id say that it is healthy, as long as you count that as part of your sugar and fruit intake of the day

  6. There's nothing wrong with them.. just try not to eat too much ok..

  7. sure, any kind of dried fruit is healthy, just not tons a day, because sugary fruit is ust like juice sometimes, wasted calories

  8. i think so.

  9. They are candy.  try reading the label.  That sugary coating?  That's ADDED sugar!  I love them, too, but I limit myself.  YUMMMM!

    And, btw, I don't think natural pineapple is all that good for you, either, if eaten in large quantities.  too much of anything....

  10. They're kinda fattening for some reason.......dunno why. I'd stick to un-dry pineapple.  

  11. theyre considered junk food/candy. this japanese candy store i go to sells them with dried mangos. i wouldnt recommend consuming it daily. just every few days or one serving per day?

  12. They are healthy compared with candy or other sweet foods.

  13. I lovelovelove dried apricots. and apricot juice, it's delicious!  

  14. yeah they are just dried out.  Is your grandma still healthy? Even though she's all wrinkled up???? think....think before you speak

  15. theyre kinda fattening because theyre pure sugar. when i say kinda i mean the threat is way too small, out of most sweets you could eat this i think is one of the best for your body.

    dried fruit can be rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, pantothenic acid) and dietary minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese).

    they keep you vital and theyre very recommended during pregnancy.

    the non organic dry fruits can make u sick because of some chemical they put so the color is more appealing, always go for organic food, really.

    i definitely dont think theyre bad at all. keep on chewing those yummy!!

  16. No dried pineapple is not healthy, as it is a dead fruit that has been dried up to the point of dessication.

    What you probably mean to ask is if dried fruit are healthful. (This is a very common grammatical error).

    The answer to that question is that dried pineapple is quite a bit higher in sugar than fresh pineapple.  It also has less vitamins as these are destroyed by the drying process.

    It is better to eat fresh pineapple.

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