
Are dust bunnies alive, do they reproduce? what all do they eat?

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Are dust bunnies alive, do they reproduce? what all do they eat?




  1. lol☺, they aren't alive. Dust bunnies (often one word, dustbunnies) are little clumps of dust that form under furniture and in corners that are not cleaned regularly. They are made of hair, lint, dead skin, dust, and sometimes light rubbish and debris, and are held together by static electricity and felt-like-entanglement. In some regions of Britain, dust bunnies are sometimes called beggar's velvet.

    Dust bunnies are frequently a source of amusement by making out that they are actual living creatures formed of dust, attested to by the many websites on the care and feeding of dust bunnies. Many cartoons reference dust bunnies, and parents often give tongue-in-cheek warnings to their children that dust bunnies will haunt them if they do not clean their rooms, not unlike Santa Claus giving lumps of coal to naughty children.

    However, they can actually be harmful when they house dust mites or other parasites. A Dustbunny Cleaner has been invented. It consists of a robotic ball with an electrostatic sleeve that rolls about under furniture collecting dustbunnies and other material.

    Dust bunnies are harmful to electronics, as they can seriously obstruct air flow through CPU heat sinks, severely raising temperatures and shortening the life of electronic components.

  2. Ha Ha.  

    They can be thought of as belonging to the same biological family as Cobwebs, but a different species.  They reproduce by mitosis, of course and eat household dust.

    Ever notice how some metal shirthangers coil clockwise and others counterclockwise?  One is male, the other female, so NEVER place a clockwise and counterclockwise hanger next to one another.  Unless one is very ugly.


  4. They definitely reproduce, and they eat your belly button lint while you sleep.

  5. Here you will find all you need to know about dustbunnies and their care.

  6. hahha cute!

    dust bunnies are fuzz balls that collect under your furniture after you havnt dusted in a while .. they arnt alive.. they just nibble... nothing to worry about hahahaa =)

  7. no they are not alive, lol

  8. yes the are alive. yes they reproduce. they eat dust.

    jk ; )

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