
Are dvd recorders or vhs recorders that connect to the tv illegal to use?

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I would like to know if it is illegal to use dvd recorders or vhs recorders to record tv shows on tv on to dvd. I am really confused if it is ok or not.




  1. Not at all.  But, there are two exceptions:

    1. If you record content to be re-sold or otherwise distributed - either for or even not for profit - doesn't matter.  As long as it's only for your personal use, it's fine - as the first answerer mentioned.

    2. As the last answerer mentioned, bypassing copy protection is illegal.  However, it can be legal in some cases.  For example - if you have purchased a DVD at the store and want to make a backup copy of it due to concern that it will get scratched - bypassing copy protection to do so is perfectly legal as long as you do not re-distribute the copy.  This is the shady area of the law in this regard.  You can copy discs that you own legally.  The copy protection is put in place to keep those who do so illegally (black market, for example) from copying it - but, usually the "bad guys" know how to bypass it and the "good guys" don't.

    Also, using CPRM flagging content that is protected over digital signals can be set up to only allow one-time recording.  Meaning that, if you copy something from television to a DVR recorder, then attempt to copy it again - you cannot copy it a second time.  The flag can be set to allow a predetermined number of copies - but is usually set to only allow one.

  2. No, it is not illegal. In fact, there was a decision by the Supreme Court some years ago that such recording for your own private, personal use was a "fair use" under the copyright laws.

    However, defeating copyright protection schemes on TV signals is not legal. Some TV signals carry copy protection signals which prevent copying them or sometimes permit a copy, but prevent a copy of the copy from being made.

  3. So long as you are not profiting from the recording, or claiming it as your own, or reproducing it for commercial use, you should be fine.

  4. I am not sure if they are view on it is why would they sell it if it was illegal. I had one and half the time you can't record movies anyways because the people that make the dvd's put something so that it can't be recorded. Alot of the newer movies had this.

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