
Are earth signs more BOLD then air or water signs?

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I was at a water park the other day with a Libra and a Pisces. I went down every signle ride there no matter how terifying it looked. I'm a Taurus and I LOVE thrill rides! Are earth signs braver or am I an oddball of my sign?




  1. i tihnk it depends, im a capricorn and i can be pretty bold. and my best friends a capricorn and shes also bold. so ppl underestimate earths sings ALOT

  2. I'm gonna agree with AstroLady.  When it comes to risk taking, earth signs are not bold in that.  Earth signs are very careful and choosy in the things they are willing to do.  They want to make sure they can control the outcome as much as possible.  So it definitely must be that Leo in you.

    Fire signs are the ones who are boldest in this area, and then next, Air signs.

    Earth signs are bold in the way they handle business, carry themselves, and reach for goals.  That's theirs'.

  3. I think it has more to do with your Leo Rising which is a Fiery sign that likes soaking in the limelight, adulation from others and risk-taking in general. The bold and dramatic are associated with the Fire signs, esp. Leo.

    Earth signs are generally not big on risk-taking or adrenaline sports, unless they have some significant Fire influence in the chart. Look to your Mars or Venus placement as well - it could be in the preceding sign of Aries, which could indicate gravitation towards higher risk-taking in general.

  4. fire can be bold as they are 'brave' in the sense that they dive into things head first without thinking first. they act without thinking and just do things off of instincts.

    water is ruled by emotions and feelings. they work from intuition and so they can be a little bashful to try things as they are not sure they are safe. they know the ride will be scary but that prohibits them from jumping into it. they forget that the stomach tingles and adrenaline rush is the whole fun of it

    air signs can overthink if you let them. they are logical and can overthink if you let them. if you just make them do it or convince them there is logically no reason to be scared they will willingly jump in.

    earth signs are practical and down to earth. they can be brave because they know those rides are safe. their is no fear because there is no real threat. they will go and have fun as that is what they came for right?!!!

  5. It has nothing to do w your d**n sign! i'll tell you what Im a Scorpio Aries moon and Virgo rising and there is not a water park ride that I will not go down or a roller coaster I wont go on (honestly they're all the same to me- none are so great). I have a Taurus, Cap moon (dragon year) brother, Scorp/Sag cusp, Virgo Moon sister and a best friend who is a Taurus sun, taurus moon and they can take or lv rides, it fusuturates me sometimes to NO end, bc I have to particularly twist their arm off to get on a f'in ride!!! errr! my mom is a taurus sun/ cap moon and i hate her stolid-ness, anything fun on she spits on more than the muslims (no amusement parks- no nothing! we weren't allowed to have any pets growing up!) that's why she lived alone most of her life!! haha.... um lets see my dad though was pretty cool, he was just was overtly emotional: cancer sun, capricorn moon. the best was my libra sun, aries moon s-mom, but that's a whole 'nother story.... I have a Taurus sun, cancer moon friend who wanted me to go to a concert w him (but since he is so into stability and w/e "excuses" the v day of the concert he backed out on us!!) Im sorry but my best friend the Taurus Sun/Moon is the same way and I HATE her for that c**p!! One thing that Tauruses are- are stubborn! they all swear up and down that they are not stubborn and that they have a fun side- when in fact that is what they are lacking! Tauruses should be the last ppl to self-analysis themselves, that's would just be deterimental to their relationships and everyone who comes in conntact w them! i couldnt marry a taurus they are so bull headed at times... i love them but gawd they know how to ruin plans!!

  6. no, earth signs just like getting wet...

    libra with cap moon

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