
Are east coat surfers as good as west coast surfers?

by Guest32864  |  earlier

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Are east coat surfers as good as west coast surfers?




  1. For those who think East Coast surfers are all posers, explain to my why there are only thee surfers in the Quarterfinals of the Billabong Pro in Teahupoo, Tahiti, from the US.  Andy Irons (Haw), Damien Hobgood (FL) and Cory Lopez (FL).  I'm not seeing any West Coast surfers in that list.  And one other foot note, where is Kelly Slater, C.J. Hobgood, and Gabe Kling from?  Florida.  There are 4 others from the US mainland, each from California.  Looks to me that the WCT has more surfers from Florida than California this year.

  2. Sadly, most surfers from the east coast are either posers or hosers.

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