
Are egg whites healthy? Is all the cholesterol in the yolk of the egg?

by Guest59677  |  earlier

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I have been eating egg whites only lately, but since the yolk is gone, it takes more eggs to make an actual meal. Are egg whites good for you, or are they high in cholesterol along with the yolk?




  1. Yes, the yolk is the 'unhealthy' part. Its great to eat the whites, but I don't think its horrible to eat the yolks sometimes. If you feel like you're using too many eggs then maybe you could make 3 eggs, two of them just use the whites and the third one add in the yolk for substance and flavor. Then maybe you won't use 4 egg whites to make it more filling.  

  2. Most of the cholesterol is inside the yolk, yes, but a lot other stuff is as well. The egg whites only have a little bit of protein and vitamin A, so your not getting much. Don't fear the yolk, it packs vitamins plus protein.

    An egg is healthy just to much isn't. An egg with yolk has 215 mgs of cholestrol and you're only suppose to have 300 mgs a day at max. So just have one egg that day once in a while.

  3. yolk is not  healthy content

  4. Remove the yolk, remove the taste, it's just silly.

    I love eggs, but I only eat them once or twice a week.  Moderation, portion control.  Don't miss out on the best in life because of current thinking/guessing.

    Eat slowly, tasting ur meal.  This gives ur stomach time to tell u when it wants out.

    An egg is the highest value of nourishment a mother (chicken/bird/whatever) can provide to her offspring.  d**n tasty, don't deprive yourself of that, just limit it.

  5. Yup all the cholesterol is in the yolk along w/ the fat and calories.

  6. the cholesterol is in the yoke, the white won,t hurt you.

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