
Are eggs bad for your heart??

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I have suddenly become a very big egg-consumer. I love them in omlets, hard-boiled (and every other way) plus mixed with foods, like in pastas. I know they are high in protein and other essencial nutrients, but they also have lots of chlestrol (which runs in my family). Im very healthy and in good shape, but i just wanted to know if eating too many (like 4 a day) isnt good...thanks!




  1. Not more than 4 per week as per the recommendations, especially the yolk.

  2. Eggs are high in colesterol which is not good for you.

  3. 4 has quite a bit of cholesterol... try egg beaters, they are better for you and you don't need to crack em!!  

  4. Eating too much eggs increases your cholesterol which means there's a risk for coronary heart disease.

  5. Eggs have a very high cholesterol but they also have many good nutrients. 4 a day is a little much, 4 a week would be better but it is the egg yolks that contain the cholesterol so if you switch to egg whites only sometimes you should be fine. Egg white omlets aren't bad.

  6. i hope u dont die

  7. Eating cholesterol has no effect on LDL or HDL, they are not the same thing. LDL is low density lipo protein. This is a way to transport cholesterol in the blood. If your body is making too much LDL than your body needs it to repair damage. But the cholesterol that you eat is not the same thing as the cholesterol everybody is so worried about. In fact if you eat fresh eggs, your body does not make as much of a special form of cholesterol in the LDL class that is actually THE real so called "bad" cholesterol. When you consume cholesterol in the diet, it keeps your body from panicking and making its own. It is much more important to watch your carbohydrate intake such as your pasta. The excess insulin released is very bad for your heart. Much more important than how much saturated fat or cholesterol that you consume. The only fats that you have to worry about are trans-fats and vegetable oils. Also powdered eggs are much worse than fresh. They contain oxidized cholesterol that is indeed harmful to the arteries.

    Do try to buy farm fresh eggs from free ranging hens, from local farmers. If not, buy organic cage free eggs. It does make a difference. Once you try fresh eggs, you will never want to go back.'

    Pharmacist who's life was almost ruined by Lipitor

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