
Are eggs considered a meat

by  |  earlier

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if not then what?




  1. no but contains a lot of cholesterol ..


  2. No, if they are not fertilized. Eggs are eggs.

  3. strictly speaking no

    meat is the flesh of an animal (fish does not count either.)

    eggs are embryos (this is not really true either as unless you are eating farm fresh eggs they were never fertilized which means they are not truly embryos but...well eggs (female gametes)  

    Eggs are made of protein

    they are considered animal by products however many vegetarians eat them

    Hope this helps

  4. yes because they were supposed to be chicken!

  5. not when they are unfertilized egg

  6. i would not consider them a meat. but when it comes to food groups they are in the meat group. so i guess they are. i guess people have different opinions about it.  

  7. That depends on who you talk to.

    Many vegetarians and vegans say yes, but normal people generally class eggs as eggs and group them in with dairy. If you are talking about the food pyramid, you could class them in the proteins group that contains meat, nuts, eggs and beans.

  8. that is pretty nutty. eggs are goo and you have to kill cows to make hamburgers. you only have to break an egg and boil it or something.

  9. nope its in the nuts/proteins category

  10. i think so - its in the same box as meats

    not really, theyre not really an animal - just what chickens naturally do, lay eggs ....

  11. yes because there unborn baby chicks and true vegetarian's don't eat them.

  12. No, protein. Avoid dried egg because it has oxidized cholesterol.

  13. No, eggs are a protein.

  14. They are a protein.  So are peanuts.

  15. Eggs are ova of the hen. They are not meat, for god's sake!

  16. no.  i really don't know what its considered as.  its just in the same group as meat.  its called meat, fish, beans, and eggs

  17. No. They are dairy.

  18. pfff, what do you think? I dont know about you, but I've never seen a meat that is clear and slimy. They are considered a dairy product. LOLZ

  19. No eggs are not meat! meat is considered as the flesh of animals.. eggs are not flesh so hence egg is not meat.. they are called by-products such like milk & cheese..

  20. well that'sis actually good question...I think it isn't cause...some chickens lay eggs with out mating which mean there is no actual chick in the no its not a meat.  

  21. no

  22. well they are considered meat, because they were suppose to hatch into chicks.

    theyre also considered dairy products.

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