My lady love is buying me a digital camera. I've never owned one before and I really look forward to getting started. I am a total beginner. Some of you have already given me some great ideas regarding the best beginner cameras at prices we can afford. I am hoping for the clearest shots possible and the best zoom. Many of you told me to stick with Canon, Nikon or Kodak. I may still do that but we found some sales going on this week and I'd love to know your opinions on these cameras:
Samsung (8,2 megapixel, 5x optical zoom and 2.5 LCD screen)
GE (7 megapixel, 3x optical zoom and 2.5 screen).
I have a GE landline I despise so I worry a bit about them and I'm not sure how Samsung holds up though it does seem to offer a lot. Please let me know if you think I should wait or look into these. We really do need to keep the price low (def. under $130 or $140) but I want to get the best one possible and am more than willing to wait a bit.