
Are elective medical expenses tax deductible?

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it will be around 20k tummy Tuck, breast lift,arm lift, thigh lift.




  1. Those would most likely be considered as cosmetic, so wouldn't be deductible.

  2. Only if it would help bring in extra income (like if you were a stripper or a model).

  3. Cosmetic surgery is not usually allowed as a deductible expense.  See Cosmetic Surgery on page 15 of Pub. 502. According to the pub., "This includes any procedure that is directed at improving the patient’s appearance and does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease." Also, if you think that you can justify it under one of the deductible amounts on pages 5-14 in that publication, then more power to you.

  4. You may not deduct funeral or burial expenses, health club dues, over–the–counter medicines, toothpaste, toiletries, cosmetics, a trip or program for the general improvement of your health, or most cosmetic surgery.

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