
Are electric bicycles a success in mountain cities? i travel 60 km a day going on very steephill roads .?

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do these cycles get charged when we pedel them or when we go downhill without using the battery? can someone suggest a good brand cyclebecause that will keep me not only fit but also save environment. i m from chamba in himachal pradesh in INDIA.. onle expert opinion or self experience will be appriciated. thanks.




  1. i've neither seen or heard of one that charges going down hill.

    in addition, it's my guess you're interested in it helping you go up hill.

    to do that, the battery would need to be fairly heavy.

    it's my guess that you've looked, and cannot find any.

    because there just aren't any good ones.

  2. 60 km is too far for an electric bike unless you can take your charger with you and charge when you get there.  Be careful about reliability.  I have a Giant Lite and it is very reliable.  (My first e-bike was unreliable.)  You could also get a second battery pack which would extend your range.  However, the Giant Lite battery costs as much as some whole bikes.

    If a manufacturer says the range is 30 km, it is really more likely to be 15 or maybe 20 km.  Some very expensive bikes will recharge when going downhill,, but the cost is not worth it.

  3. You can't travel 60 Kms. at a stretch on e-bike & also on steephills you need great pickup which is not there in these bikes.


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