
Are elementary teachers given ample opportunities to take short bathroom breaks?

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I am studying to teach and the topic of bathroom breaks for kids is a hot issue. But what about elementary teachers getting bathroom breaks? I've heard that it is hard for themselves to get a break to use the restroom. I'm curious about others' experiences with this.




  1. Well, yes you do get bathroom breaks - but not when YOU want them. Typically you have to wait for someone to watch your class if you really need to go - But just walk out of your class to go to the bathroom? No. Legally you are responsible for your kids at all times. IF anything happened while you were "out" then you would be responsible and possibly pulled into court. It could be a messy situation just because you "forgot" to have someone look after your class for a few mins. There were days when I didn't go until 3pm. That is the reality. Kids come first. Then you.

  2. Yes, of course.

  3. I usually go before and after school. That's it. Also, I don't let my students go to the bathroom unless it's an emergency. They need to go at recess and lunch. If they go more than a couple times a week during class time, they have to make up the time at recess. They need to learn when to hold it even if they are first graders. It's part of training yourself to be responsible.

  4. Bathroom breaks are hard.  You definitely can not go whenever you want.

  5. Our union says we get bathroom breaks after every 90 minutes, but they don't say "who" will watch our kids - ha ha!  So we have to be creative: we watch each other's class and help each other, we go when a paraprofessional comes in, we take turns when a few classes all go out to recess...  it all works out - just don't get stuck in a portable away from the entire school.

  6. Depending on the schedule, I don't think teachers have opportunities to go to the bathroom. My schedule last year had me teaching all morning with lunch coming at 11:55 and my specials classes were in the afternoon. Even if they put my special in the morning, it would make for a long afternoon. The only thing that could help is that if there was an assistant in another class that you could ask to come and give you a break, but everyone else is in the classroom teaching. I think that students have more opportunities to go. I am not willing to leave my class unattended.

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