
Are elephant ornaments bad luck or good luck?

by  |  earlier

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Iam not superstitious but people are saying, elephant ornaments are bad luck, if you point them to the door our window. Is it bad luck with there trunks down as well ?




  1. Luck is only in the eyes who sees it.

    If you BELIEVE in the "luck" or superstition, then thats your thing. If you dont believe, then its not your thing.

    (If you beleive a broken mirror will give you bad luck, or walking under a ladder, or salt throwed over your shoulder, it happens.)

    If you dont then it wont.

  2. depends if you are superstitious.........

  3. They are not bad luck, but you do need to point them towards a door or window [so they say]. Depends on how superstitious you are.

  4. they are only bad luck if the trunks are down

  5. The trunk has to be up and pointing to a source of light preferably the window in order to have good luck.  I do not think there is any bad luck associated with them if they do otherwise.

  6. There is also a saying. "Elephant's never forget." <}:-})

  7. not sure about the door or window but it is bad luck for the trunk to be down.

  8. Good Luck!

  9. It's bad luck to be surrounded by people who tell you such nonsense.

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