
Are employees that work at fast food restaurants supposed to get breaks?

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Are employees that work at fast food restaurants supposed to get breaks?




  1. Yeah, they're supposed to get breaks, but it depends on how long their shifts are. For example, I work 5-6 hours shifts, and I don't get breaks, so I'm guessing that you have to work around 7 or 8 hours to get a break.

    But like other people are saying, just ask your manager for a break when you need one.

  2. The laws are different in every state.  Also, it depends whether you are a minor or not.  You should check your state laws and check your company's policy. Plus, if you want a break you should try asking.

  3. All employees that work anywhere are supposed to get breaks. It's the law. The question is how long of a break every how many hours. That may vary state to state.

  4. Depends on your local (state) labor laws.  There should be a poster by your timeclock to answer your question.  If not, call the department of labor or go the their website for your state.  They have very specific rules.

  5. every employee, in my opinion, should get some sort of break. one reason why i will never work at a day care center again *shakes head* -____- but to answer your question, im honestly not sure. never worked in one.

  6. It depends on how long the shift is. If you are scheduled for 6 or more hours, you are supposed to get a lunch. If you work less than that, I believe a break is only required for minors.

  7. It does vary from state to state.  Check with your state labor laws.  For instance, in the state of Iowa you can be worked 24-7 without a break.

  8. Never enough, and never long enough; but the bosses have to grant them. Usually 1 every 4 hours of work.

  9. All of the restaurants that I know do allow breaks, but not during the really busy time when there are customers to be served.

  10. I work at mcdonalds:

    4 hour shift: 15 mins

    5 hour , 20 mins

    6+ 30 mins

    they are paid breaks

  11. well im 14 so i get a break every 5 hrs but if your older you get a break every 2hrs about lol .

  12. If you work in the US for every 4 hours you work you are authorized one 15 min break. If you work an 8 hour shift you get one break and a half hour for lunch

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