
Are enegy drinks good or bad for you?

by  |  earlier

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are ennergy drinks like monster,amp,rockstar,redbull,etc good for you or are they bad for you?




  1. Neither. They arent  nutritious by any means. But not bad for you either. Drinking too much of them isn't good for you. A caffeine overdose can happen and thats very serious because it affects your heart. only drink as much as the label tells you is safe. otherwise you could have some side effects that you dont like. Shakes,heart palpitation, cold sweats, shortness of breath, head ache. Just be careful.

  2. No of course not. Drink water or fruit juice instead.

  3. Just think about it.  You are better off drinking pure fruit or vegetable juices.  All the additives in the ones you mentioned can't be good for you over the long term.  Wow...Daydreem has said it all!

  4. Energy drinks are never healthy. They have 150 calories in them!

  5. some are bad ,and some are good, depends whats in them

  6. i dont think you can categorize them.

    but id say theyre mostly bad.

  7. My friend, an elite athlete, used to drink them everyday.  He passed out on one of his long runs one day, went to the doc, and they discovered that his heart was enlarged and not pumping appropriately.  It was due to the energy drinks.  He cannot have caffeine of any kind now, and also has to be careful of sugar intake.  He couldn't workout for quite some time ~ a few months, if I remember correctly ~ and his life is now changed forever because of it.  He's now more suseptible to heart issues because of his intake of energy drinks.

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