
Are energy drink really bad for you?

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i got grounded for drinking a monster which is really wird for me. cuz like i can usually do watever i want .




  1. Lots of sugar and preservatives.

  2. WOW....they have Monsters that are low carb and lo sugar....they are just as bad as a cup of coffee.... They come in the blue cans, not the green or any of the other new juiced ones.

  3. It's lots of sugar. so yes. Getting grounded for it is kind of odd though.

  4. You can drink them.. but I wouldnt that **** gave me a kidney stone and im only 16! Its gonna suck when I have to pass it =\ and you better be used to needles because they're gonna have to test your blood a lot. Which sucks because I hate needles and im pretty sure im gonna hate pissing out a sharp pebble!

  5. depends on what energy drink it is.  some are loaded with terrible stuff... like monsters.  they are just extremely unhealthy.  they're really not that threatening unless you're really young though

  6. Anything in moderation is o.k. but personally i try and stay away from caffeine... it's addictive.

  7. they are really bad in case you don't know. It has alot of sugar and caffine. I perfer that you don't drink energy drinks because you can get really crazy!

  8. not realy.  they can only do so much harm.

  9. Most damage is extremely high, If you want the specifics talk to a docter in person, and you will here a shocker. Just a taste what could happen quickly, is kidney stones. And those are not pleasant.

  10. They are LOADED with caffiene and sugar. Do your parents allow you to drink coffee?

  11. mah mah' momma said... energy drinks ar' are da' devil.

  12. rise you heart rate.

    stun your growth

  13. yeah they are bad for you

  14. Most of them simply boost your energy levels in a very temporary basis, by using sugars/sugar-like chemicals for a short term immediate boost, and caffeeine for a medium term boost.  When you come down off them, you come down lower then you were before, and your body, feeling the energy loss thinks it's hungry. That drives you to want to have another - or gorge on carbs (Doritos). It fuels a cycle of up-down-up-down that trains the body to think it's normal. And that screws with the body's built-in levelling mechanisms for such, which is one of the reasons so many people are turning into diabetics.

  15. They increase your heart rate (which is bad) because of all that caffeine and sugar. Some of them have traces of alcohol. They can cause insomnia. They can stop your growth. They're just plain bad for you.

  16. Lmao.

    Your parents are weird.

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