
Are energy drinks bad for you even in moderation?

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Just curious. I typically drink one Monster Coffee a day and was wondering if Guarana extract was not so good for you.




  1. Yea too much Guarana can be bad just like too much caffeine isn't so great for you. And one monster a day isn't moderation buddy. Haha, two a week would be moderation. Try cutting down a bit if you're worried or try a healthier energy drink. I found a healthy one here and they give you a free trial. Works great for me.

  2. Possible Side Effects:Guaranine, a chemical compound found in gurana, produces many of the same effects as caffeine. Individuals with conditions that may be complicated by high caffeine intake (including insomnia, depression, and pregnancy) should consult with a physician before adding guarana to their diet.

    Although rare, serious side effects from guarana have been reported. Stop taking guarana and seek emergency medical attention if you experience :a serious allergic reaction including difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives; or irregular heartbeats or chest pain.

    Other less serious side effects may also reported with the use of guarana. Talk to your doctor or health care provider if you experience:heartburn;upset stomach;loss of appetite;constipation or diarrhea;nervousness, irritability, or anxiety;sleeplessness;irregular heartbeats; or headache.

    All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome: Anxiety; diarrhea; headache; increased urination; nausea; nervousness; shakiness; tremors; trouble sleeping; upset stomach; vomiting.

    Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); agitation; irregular heartbeat; seizures.

    Therefore anything excessive is bad. But once a day wouldnt kill you, Moderation is the key with anything.

  3. Hi first thanks for answering my Question.... well energy drinks in my opinion are not  too bad for you as long as you drink these  in moderation... my little brother is in all sports and works ... he  usually has one a day.....  sometimes he goes and drinks one ever other day.... just gives him a little boost.. my mom does not like for him to drink them right before a game  though... good luck

  4. Moderation is one thing, but the build up effect in the body is quite another..and it comes from, and at the cost of, frequent 'moderation'.


  5. Guarana seeds contain caffeine as well as phytochemicals. It is a natural stimulant, it improves stamina, endurance and also benefits as an intestinal cleanser. In addition to the normal warnings on the products though, it is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or heart conditions. Not only are you getting the caffeine in the Guarana, you're getting it from added caffeine into the drink. Regular caffeine consumption interferes with calcium metabolism so you're leeching this out of your  bones by drinking this every day (osteoporosis).

    If you look at the other list of ingredients - non medicinal- there is a high level of carbonated water (carcinogen-cancer causing), loads of sugars, and preservatives.

    One drink every  day is NOT in moderation by the way. ;) (I do believe the cans say 'as needed' which means you're already leading a healthy lifestyle and need an occasional energy boost-not some daily addiction to consume in lieu of proper eating/sleeping/exercise habits (which on their own equal health and mental/physical acuity).   .

  6. who cares? like if you are eating healthy drinks i am sure its fine to treat your self ever once in a while=)

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