
Are epidurals as scary as I am making it out to be?

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I am 33 weeks pregnant and am terrified of the idea of having an epidural. just the thought of it being in my back is so creepy to me. I am scared it will come to a time where i will need one. How is it to get one? I am creeped out by the whole idea.




  1. it is a needle in your back. but i had one and all it was like was a shot in your back (you cant see it) and then a little sting. i just had my first child a week ago and got one. it was so great. everything from the waist down gets numb in about 10 mins. the contractions just disappeared and i was in the worst part of my contractions WHICH I DIDNT FEEL AT ALL!!!! i actually got sleep. its really nothin to be scared of

    good luck!!!!!

  2. It really is not that bad. The hardest part for me was being able to survive the pain while they were getting my epidural set up. That was a Godsend I'm telling you. I would much rather deal with my few seconds of pinching than with more hours of back labor. lol. Just me though.

  3. here is a video of it being done..

    You have to ask the doctors. Anybody can have one. I think it would hurt pretty darn bad but would you rather be poked in the back really hard or feel the hurt of pooping out a watermellon? Put it that way and it seems like no biggie! Good luck and i hope everything works out for you and your lovely baby.

  4. i dont really like the thought of it either, but i hear you barely even feel it in comparison to the contractions so dont worry about it. if your in god awful pain dont be scared to get one becuase it will make the whole experience better for you.  

  5. when you go into labor all you'll be thinking about is that epidural. they're not bad at all. they are wonderful.

  6. it is not bad at all. it is a pinch and it is in and you cant feel it afterwards. once it starts working you are going to say how you love it lol. i had three.

  7. it feels funny and a little uncomfortable but the pain of labor hurts so much that you are just so ready for the relief i dont think you even notice or care that you are getting a needle back there and it can be such a great relief if done right. dont hesitate because of the fear because it really isnt that bad good luck.

  8. If you're freaked out about the epidural you should ask your doctor if you can can get a "spinal" instead.  A spinal is still a needle to the spine that contains a pain medication similar but not as strong as an epidural; and obviously not constant.  Unlike an epidural, it doesn't stay in your back like an IV.  It's just a shot.  I have needle-phobia like it's my job.  I pass out at the sight of them and have to be horizontal to have blood taken so obviously I was terrified about having a needle back there.  But honestly...when I had mine done, it was like someone tossed a tack at me.  Lol it sounds silly but all I really felt was a very small prick and the pressure of the fluid going in.  It was over in like 2 minutes at the most.  If you don't have to have a C-Section then try and opt for the spinal.  If you do end up having a c-section then don't fret about that either.  It is a SMALL price to pay for a child!  Good luck!

  9. With my first child i got the epidural and i was really scared and acted like a lil baby lol and i was like screaming and the epidural didnt really work for me at all cause it only numbed my left leg... but i think it was from me just over reacting. im 36 weeks now and i am deff getting it again but just gonna be a lil more calm. just think its something thats goin to help the pain that you are goin thru thats much worse that the needle! Good Luck sweet heart!

  10. It's actually better that it's put in the back, I can't imagine if we had to watch the process.  Don't be terrified...if you feel you need one, you probably won't care if you're in a lot of pain.  I was scared at first too, but I felt I needed one, and begged for it, even having a fear of needles.

  11. I was so terrified of getting an epidural!! My plan was to not get one no matter what. I just couldn't take it though and ended up getting one. It was NOT bad at ALL! I think I was just so afraid of getting it that I built it up in my mind as being really scary. The suprising thing is that once it took effect I didn't feel the pain of my contractions and I didn't feel the catheter from the epidural either. I've ended up having one with all three of my deliveries and the only side effect I ever had was getting the shivers after the third one.  

  12. Its not nearly as bad as the contractions!  I am the biggest baby when it comes to pain!  The epidural scared me a bit too, but when it came time I knew the result of the epidural would be so worth it!  My contractions hurt so bad by that point that the epidural going in was nothing!  It didn't really hurt anymore than getting a shot and it is over pretty quickly.  Good Luck!

  13. No, it really isn't bad.  It doesn't even hurt--you just feel a little stinging and then a cool sensation.

    Trust me, after several hours in the throes of active labor, the epidural is your best friend!  You can try to go without drugs if you want, but don't rule out having an epidural if it will help you to get through labor.

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