
Are ethnic occupational stereotypes valid?

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Is there any validity, either anecdotal or numerical, to support the view that, for example, Jews dominate law & banking, Greeks disproportionately own or operate diners, and Irish people are involved in bars and taverns? Or are these just myths? Any input you give would be most appreciated.




  1. I think there is some validity to them..  I think it has a lot to do with what jobs, and businesses these people took when they came to this country. (oops, I'm in the USA, but my point is the same)  A stereotype is not "bad" until it's used negatively.

  2. Quoting - A disproportionate number of diners are owned and/or operated by Greek Americans.

    So the simple answer is yes.  I, however, am an exception - I am a Jewish-American that operates a diner that turns into a bar on Friday evenings, durring Shabbos.

  3. All stereotypes are based on truths and norms, so yes.

  4. You forgot the KFC-watermelon stereotype!

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