
Are everyday Republicans insane?

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I'm referring to an average citizen in this country who was actually born here.....Honestly?

Now some Republicans are from a different nationalies originally and special interest groups; they are in the Republicans pocket. They may have a some political issues in thier country of origin that require Republican political support or they may just be getting paid from the industries that are profitable do to the policies and courses of action the Republican party has made this past decade...

For exampe: Cubans in Miami vote Republican because they still have a hard on for Castro (like they'd ever be able to touch that guy) and so does McCain So that relationship is understandable.

But Republicans carry on online as if they don't have to pay for gas because their cars run on the screams of children like in Monster Inc.

Or the have a special Republican discount card.

I know all Republicans think they are well off and identify with McCain... but lets face it, most Republicans are just your everyday @ssholes. They are being exploited by the Republican party just like the rest of the country but they still support their leaders like some cult. I can understand Obama's strong following, but most of you on-line should have started to realize, Republicans are the scum of society this year; willing to keep our country in stuck in "1988" ... Sorry GOP. It's 2008 and you guys are the bad guys in this movie and you don't want see it.

As a vet, I can't hate McCain as a person (He gave a lot for this country), but this man's motives to be President aren't in the countries best interest anymore. This is about more money in the pockets of RICH Republicans. That why they don't want change at all. But for I'd guess %99 of Republicans online that DOESN'T include you! Rich people would just vote and donate money, not log onto Yahoo and type out corny n**i c**p.

I would think most of the country would be on the same side, but some aren't. Are they insane?

What do you honestly think?

(please save inbred comments like "McCains gon win cuz Bama iz a terroris, yuk yuk..")




  1. no, they are just rich and trying to get richer.

  2. No. In all honesty, Republicans are of exceptional species . Some have gone so far as to call them brainiacs. Personally, I think they are a breath of fresh air. Many believe most Americans are given ample opportunity to run our own lives-sink or swim , and they are not all rich by any means. All in all it's not about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. From where I stand it looks to me like the guy running for office on the democrat side -has never run anything before ;but he seems to already count on ways to keep the poor staying that way while he works on ways to help them do it.Insane or not insane?

  3. yes no yes no yes no i am getting insane answering this question

  4. Many republican are in deep denial about how their party turned a budget surplus into a record breaking deficit in only 7 years.  They are also in denial about how Bush and Cheney circumvented the Constitution to further their political objectives.  They are in denial of the fact that the party sold them a bill of goods in exchange for some of their personal liberties.  They are in denial about how Bush and Cheney trashed our reputation around the world.  They are in denial about how Bush and Cheney LIED to get us into war with Iraq.  Shall I go on?

    Now McCain, here's insane for picking Palin.  That will cost him the election.

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