
Are farts evidence of Intelligent Design?

by  |  earlier

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Farts are designed with a clear audible warning system to alert all within earshot of the horror to come.

Ha! Explain that, evolutionists!




  1. I'd rather f**t than to to be stump!

    sorry for being stupid....

    but I talk serious sometime...

    visit my blog and I want to hear your voices

  2. d**n. Now I'm stumped.

    *bows down* I am not worthy, my lord! Please forgive me!

  3. Maybe.  Why are atheists here so obsessed with their own effluence?

  4. No, because only those coming from unintelligent beings smell, but they can't smell their own. Farts coming from intelligent beings are silent but deadly.

  5. not true, it's because we now walk upright and our animal friends dont make the noise.

  6. Actually, the silent ones are the deadliest.

  7. Silent ones are the deadly ones, or so the saying goes - I haven't seen any empirical scientific evidence to back that up.  We really must drop all work on curing diseases and developing bionic eyes to figure it out - it may be vital to our survival as a species!

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