
Are fat people really causeing global warming?!?

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my friend told me she was on msn and it said something about fat people causing global this true?and how do they cause global warming do they f**t a lot and the gases go and burn the ozone layer?lol





  2. Well fat people are not necessarily causing global warming, that makes almost no sense.  One of the biggest contributers to global warming is the emissions that cows (meaning the livestock) let out when they pee and p**p and f**t.  The emissions they let out are methane and nitrous oxide and these are horrible for the environment. It's estimated that a single cow can belch out anywhere from 25 to 130 gallons of methane a day.

    So while cows are contributing big time, the only reason fat people may have anything to do with this is if they are eating a lot of meat, which is the reason we have so many darn extra cows on the earth for human consumption.

    Go vegetarians!

  3. I saw the headline but thought it so ridiculous that I didn't read it.

  4. Fat people is causing global warming indirectly. It is not because they f**t, but because they tend to:

    eat alot, which causes a loss of habitat (cutting down forest for farmland)

    Rely on automobiles. They are less likely to walk even for a short distance

    Less adapt to change in temperatures. Thus they will switch on their AC/ cooler when not necessary.

    In short, fat people needs more energy to survive than slim people, and thus, in a way, they are causing global warming

  5. Well...what do you think...

  6. Does this make skinny people the reason behind the ice age?

  7. Yes, overweight people are causing global warming.

    Although, contrary to popular believe it is not because of the excessive release of gas. Obese individuals cause global warming because of their increase in body temeaure. This excess heat is released into the atmosphere, thus creating a warming effect around earth.

  8. yes they are

  9. yeah um that pretty funny and there not fat their obese and by the way cow are really big in pollution so maybe fat people so much they must make more cows which equals more pollution. im gonn give you a lecture of global warming. did you knoew that global is melting the antarctica ice cap and the northern pole? soon new, some of calafornia and lots of other citys by the ocean in north america and europe and basically the entire worlds city nearest the ocean will be under water? not only that but iceberg near the border od canada  and the united states will melt and sense the oceans water flow which controls the earths air flow will balances on a delicate balance of salt and pure water the melted water from the icecap will disrupt the water flow it will actually port europe in a new ice age extincting quite a bit of animal and hurricanes will be coming a s frequently as once a month twice as big as katrina and and the typhoons well... lets just say there gonna be MONSTER BIG LIKE AS BIG AS TEXAS so i hope the idiots who helped destroy this planet without thinking of the consquences get sucked in that they will probably be twirling around for days before death.

  10. no, your friend makes no sence.

  11. i think fat and lazy people cause global warming because the lazy people is too lazy to walk so the will use there car a lot same with lazy people. i dont think fat people fat a lot unless the eat lot of beans. i know this guy that i skiny and he fat a lot. Every one is causing global warming because when any one u eletric they are producing gases. and the gases is destroing the planet.

  12. Im trying.

  13. Well....fat peple are always too warm and require Air Conditioning,Fans...lots of electricity. Then they wear clothing that (while I am not fat, yet definately not thin) causes me to think that what could they be thinking! I'm a bit more worried that they should not be making clothing in those sizes. The farting, I haven't a clue.

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