
Are female cats who are spayed just as good as catching mice as those that aren't??

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Are female cats who are spayed just as good as catching mice as those that aren't??




  1. Spaying and neutering animals often makes them calmer, which might make them less motivated to catch mice.

  2. I had two spayed females as a kid and they could (and did) catch and eat anything that moved.

    My current cat is a spayed female and was also declawed by her original owners. Even with her claw handicap and lack of experience (original owners never took her outside), let me tell you she is giving the chipmunks in our backyard a run for their money. She can catch them now fairly easily.

    Spaying has no effect on the hunting instinct.

  3. Yes, just because they are spayed doesnt mess with their agility.

  4. Absolutely.

    Spaying only stops them from reproducing. It has no affect on their hunting ability.

  5. Hey Warden,

    Spaying only prevents unwanted kittens, and females screaming in heat for a mate. It also protects female cats from uterine and ovarian cancers.

    It does not in any way alter the interest in hunting or their skill, as long as the cat is a proven mouser.

    Good luck to you, and if you are considering spaying your cat, I congratulate you on your excellent decision


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Siamese and Oriental Shorthair cats

    Freelance Blogger for http://www/

  6. Course they are

  7. Yes, that has no effect on them.

  8. I think so.  I have 3 spayed female cats and they are all good at catching mice.  In fact we don't have any mice any more.

  9. Yes!  Every girl cat I've had who had the chance to hunt was a great hunter and they were all spayed.

    One girl was declawed (huge mistake, this was over 20 years ago and sadly we didn't know better) and still constantly brought her kills from around the yard to the door...and sometimes inside to the couch.  We didn't even know we had moles and she still found them and killed so many plus plenty of mice and anything else stupid enough to come into our yard.

    I have an significantly overweight neutered male cat (we've been trying to make him diet) and he's a great mouser too if one shows up.  Somehow he still kills lots of flies too and has earned the nickname "fat lightening" for his surprising bursts of speed.

    As long as the cat feels like hunting they will and will usually do a very impressive job of it.  Although those who aren't hungry tend to treat mice and other prey as toys instead of food.  

  10. Um, yeah.  

  11. My 1 yr old Tyger kills just as well after being spayed as before.

  12. They should be, but typically once cats are spayed they gain weight and are less active, but it should basically be the same.

  13. Si

  14. yes, BUT, only if she was a mouser before being spayed.

    mousing is a talent handed down from mom. the kitten has to be with mom long enough to learn it, mom has to be mouser, and mom has to be let out side to teach the kittens. mom catches live mice and releases them in front of the kittens to teach them. as an adult, the cat must allowed outside to practice.

    any cat can catch a mouse if it runs in front of them. only a mouser will hunt, stalk. when a cat enters a room and stops, slowly looks under and behind things, sniffs, ears and whiskers move, you have a mouser, and a mouse has been in the room recently. the cat will return  to the room at different times to learn the mouse's patterns.what time he is in the room, where he enters from. as soon as the cat figures out where to attack, he will sit and wait.

    if the mouse is in the room, he will find it.

  15. Yes... spaying a cat does not affect her hunting instinct or reflexes.  If she was good at catching mice before the spay, she will be good at it after the spay, too.

  16. Yes they are.  My spayed female (that died a few years ago at age 19) and my current neutered male are/were both excellent hunters.

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