
Are female surfers treated the same in the ocean/water as their male counterparts?

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Are female surfers treated the same in the ocean/water as their male counterparts?




  1. no, females are treated better. these other poeple are saying it sucks to be a female surfer, it doesnt.  you can pretty much cut any one off out in the water and they really wont get mad at you.  i have seen two guys beat the **** out of each other becuase one guy cut off the other guy, but i have never seen a guy beat the **** out of a girl, i have never seen anyone yell at a girl.

  2. i get treated with respect when i am out there, cause all the guys know me

  3. no sorry to say it, alot of guys are anal when it comes to other guys dropping on their wave or another guy snaking their wave to a point where words are exchange and maybe throwing some fist, but when a girl with a nice figure and a bikini comes to play all the guys stare and don't mind as much if a hottie drops in or snake the wave, its actually a great way to start a convo

  4. no, we r not. _

  5. no.

  6. I think that dudes are nicer to women in the lineup. It's important to remember that only pu$$y's try to start fights with other surfers

  7. Female surfers get treated better than men.  Are they taken as seriously probably no.

  8. Not the same, no but I've never been disrespected and more often than not I've been "protected" by the guys in the lineup! I absolutely agree that it depends on where you surf and whether or not you're a local or you know anyone out there and it also depends (sadly) on how you look to a certain degree. I find that the best way to gain respect is to give it. That goes for anyone, male or female.

  9. depends if theire wearing a bikini and if they are hot or a fat chik in a wetsuit

  10. no, they don't.  I am not sure what you want out of this, its pretty obvious.  If you want to know why, I guess it's because women's sports are pathetic (the organized leagues for them are, at least).  It created a culture where women's sports of any kidn are looked down upon.  Women surfers don't get respect for the same reason that you've never seen a WNBA game, but you've at least caught parts of a few NBA games just this season.

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