
Are females more likely to be extroverts and males more likey to be introverts?

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Are females more likely to be extroverts and males more likey to be introverts?




  1. I haven't noticed much of a disparity. I've known girls who get crazy in public and girls who never say a word. The same goes for guys.

  2. No, I don't think there is a direct relationship between s*x and personality type. (in that way anyway)

  3. In my experience it's been the other way around..

  4. No.

    Also... running your mouth like a faucet doesn't make one an "extrovert" and only talking when you have something important to say doesn't make one an "introvert".

    Its more about being bold and taking action than being "talkative and friendly".

    I've known people who were very talkative or "out going" YET they would rather chop off their hand than tell you what they had for lunch (secretive). That would make them "introverts" in MY book.

  5. histrionics, attention seeking, exhibitionism and other such dramatic behaviors are generally female traits.

    Thumbs down? research personality disorders and get back to me.

  6. You tell me... when was the last time a girl hit on you... men are usually the ballsy ones that take the social initiative.

  7. People, in general, are more likely to be extroverts than introverts.  I don't know that that dimension of personality actually has a difference between men and women -- the 25% or whatever of us there are who are introverts are equally divided.

    Are you just thinking of, perhaps, the computer geek type who doesn't go out and talk to people?  Then you're biased to start with, because I think the female population is smaller to begin with.  Introverted women are more likely to pick other "alone" hobbies, although not all of us do.

  8. Correct, women just can't keep their big mouths shut.

  9. Well that is the general psychological consensus. But I am a female and I am most definitely introverted. I find it rather abnormal or something to talk all the time. I prefer to see a person in their absolute 'aloneness'. I feel they are more themselves in those moments, then when they are speaking vapidly about things they have no concern in merely as it is a group topic.That is the superficial in others.

  10. wrong..i am an introvert...but my step sister is an extrovert.

    im female.

    its a personality trait..not a gender trait.

  11. I don't think so, you get introverts and extroverts but I think it's just teh way people are.

  12. no

  13. I don't know...I think it's actually a mix.  I'm more of an introvert myself, while I know many women who are introverts.

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