
Are feminine products, bathing products, and lotions available in Florence, Italy?

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I am going to study abroad in Florence, Italy for 4 months and I wanted to know if feminine hygiene products, bath products and lotions are as available for purchase in Italy like they are in the U.S. Also are there department stores or pharmacies in Italy?




  1. this is the dumbest thing i've ever read. it's florence, not  a village in africa, seriously......

  2. Geez people can be a bit too critical

    I was worried of the same thing,  They are typically sold at small convience stores or markets

    have fun!

  3. I don't mean to be rude but, honestly! What kind of question is that? I can assure you that you will find more then you need in this country for your personal hygiene. What IS it with this American cliché that Italian women (and men, for that matter) are not as careful as you are about their personal hygiene?

  4. I certainly hope so!  If not...Eww...

  5. are you joking? Of course NOT!!!

    In Italy we are still all cavemen and cavewomen, Gaico'scommercial is nothing comparate to Italy, of course we are still waiting for a such a wonderfull person like you to come to teach us what hygiene products are.

    Of couse italian women still go around stinky l as skunks!!!

    I live in Arizone and here there are still palces where they don't have water or eletricity in theyr houses, but this is another story I guess.

    May I suggest you before to go to Florence Italy to give an eye to your own country?

  6. everything that you get in the U.S. is available in Italy, it's not the same brands all the time but the stuff is pretty much the same and a little more expensive but you will need to get an power converter for your hair dryer and such or buy one when you get there

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