
Are feminist domestic violence laws as sort of...?

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... feminist 'final solution' to the problem of men?

We know what feminists think of men: "Men are the enemies of women. ...Without men the world would be a better place: softer, kinder, more loving; calmer, quieter, more humane." Ann Oakley (1984) Taking It Like a Woman.

So first feminists deny that men suffer domestic violence from women (see page 112 here

Then they create laws that specifically target men supposedly to prevent violence, but the laws actually jail men for much lesser things like verbal harassment

Then feminists enforce these prejudiced laws worldwide (page 10 here

Is the feminist movement really just trying to save women from violence, or is this just a cover for a deeper anti-male agenda? And what is this agenda leading to?




  1. "Men are the enemies of women. ...Without men the world would be a better place: softer, kinder, more loving; calmer, quieter, more humane."

    In school there is always more catfights than man on man fights.

  2. If only feminist would realize women raise the men.  It is our job to raise our boys to be caring sensitive human beings.  My daughter in law thanks me all the time for the great job I did.

  3. You sound a little paranoid.  The reason that violence against women was addressed first was because patriarchy refused to admit that men to were victims of domestic violence.  The fact is that many more women die at the hands of intimate partners.  You can't change the truth as much as you hate women.

  4. Wow, you've seriously done your research. I think that like any other cause, there are those who take things to the extreme in the attempt to serve a personal agenda. I think it's possible that there are feminist out there who've taken things a little to far in an attempt to tame the issues faced by many women.  Because for every "good intention" action there is always a counter-action, or any action that can reverse the positive affects of a tool used to fight negativity.  

    Are feminist trying to save women from violence? I believe that some are.

    Is ti just a cover up for a deeper anti-male agenda? Perhaps.

    It's possible that there is a hand full of feminist who're really working hard to make most men miserable. And their actions are canceling out the actions of the women who're really working hard to protect those who need the assistance that is offered through the efforts of past and present feminist.

  5. Goddammit... you people are just completely mislead and ignorant in what the feminist movement is.

    It's not anti-man, it's pro-equality.  Frankly, I have hardly any female friends (besides my one and only TRUE friend) and would not enjoy a society that was cruel or oppressive to EITHER GENDER.  It's disgusting.

    We do not deny that men suffer domestic violence from women (or other men, by the by).  However, nearly one in every three adult women experiences at least one physical assault by a partner during adulthood. Approximately four million American women experience a serious assault by an intimate partner during a 12-month period.

    Do you know how many men suffer from domestic violence a year?  

    %35 of all women suffer abuse at the hands of a family member.  %65 of married women in 2007 suffered a form of abuse.  

    %33 of all men suffer abuse at the hands of a family member.  %19 of married men in 2007 suffered a form of abuse, %80 being in homosexual relationships.

    Laws are designed to favor the victim.  That's why we have civil right amendments.  Once the problem is erradicted, so is the unneccessary law.  If a problem arises where men are consistently being victimized, a new law should be put in place to protect them.

    There is no anti-male agenda.  We want equality, not supremacy.  Once these power hungry anti-feminists (or n***s, as I now shall call them) stop fighting logic and common sense, perhaps they'll stop beating their wives (or boyfriends) and accept that they'll never win.

  6. "Without men the world would be a better place: softer, kinder, more loving; calmer, quieter, more humane."


    without men there would be no world...

    we need both sexes for reproduction etc

  7. It was one thing to want to protect women from violence, it was quite another to purposely exclude men.

    Think about it,  if 50%+ of the population hijacks victim status then what must the other 50% be? Where there's a victim there must be a perpetrator and so there you go. Men, as a group, through this labelling of women as victims are by default perpetrators.

    Sad world

    Edit: professor you can cite all the statistics you want. Point is you're only accounting for recorded crime where women are of course much more likely to be disproportionately represented. The reason for this is men are disporportionately represented in unreported and unrecorded crime according to victime surveys. This is because, due to acts like this, they are more unlikely to report cases of abuse and even when they do, police have been conditioned by acts like this to be mistrustful of males and therefore are less likely to record the case even if the man should report it.

    So that's statistics for you, got any more numbers?

    p.s. thanks for the thumbs down, I returned the favour

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