
Are feminists correct: There's a special place in h**l for women who don't support other women ?

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According to the Center for Women:

‘There’s a special place in h**l for women who don’t help other women,’ said Madeline Albright—I have that typed up on a piece of paper in my office.




  1. I am a woman I know its a mans world! My husband is the sole provider of me. I don't have kids, I dont work at a job. I support him, cook, clean, laundry, keep the yard up and keep his needs met. Thats my choice and his. My mom didnt work nor my brothers wife! So Its just us! I support women who work with kids!  

  2. First of all, feminists are atheists so they don't believe in h**l anyway. Secondly, they are obviously a bunch of bigots so maybe they will be stupid enough to vote for Palin because she is a woman. Let's hope so. After all, the liberals were stupid enough to vote for Clarance Thomas because he was black. Conservatives should continue to use liberal bigotry against them.

  3. yep yep yep its indoctrination of the worst kind like those flds women and followers of warren jeffs who criticise and try to stop other women who break the mould and try to escape. oh well i guess they happy with cooking for their men, and believing their husbands know best even if their husbands have less qualifications, experience, and more questionable ties and associations than they do. i mean the man is always right and those pesky other women are bitter, divisive, or have baggage and should just get out of politics and be mothers to their kids and not even dream of doing a job that has any importance or significance

  4. I support me and i am Queen Hillary!

  5. the important point now is that Bristol is choosing life and accepting

    responsibility and not sacrificing her unborn baby!

  6. "h**l", may be a little strong. With that being said I absolutely believe women should support their sistas'.

  7. Does Madeline Albright qualify as a woman?

    Sarah Palin certainly doesn't support women's issues...  Is there a special place in h**l for her then? Ironic that McCain chose a woman who is a beauty queen and is anti-choice and who has a track record of not supporting women's issues... just to try to get Hillary voters to vote for him.

  8. If h**l actually existed, then I sure hope so. Wherever that place may be, I'm sure there's a spot being kept nice and warm for

    Sarah "Women must give birth to the child of their rapists" Palin.

  9. There isn't a special place in h**l, h**l only has the one room, unlike Heaven that has many rooms. feminism will backfire on women badly one day .and who is Madeline Albright to decide who goes to h**l? she is now God? well feminism certainly is ambitious!Feminism is a very negative ideology no future in it women are too smart for that rubbish these days.

  10. are thats a tadd harsh.

    its an opinion.

    not a fact.


  11. No such thing as h**l.

  12. Thinking like that you really should see

    Not directly with what you mean but it hits around those lines at one point during the interview, its only about 15 mins.  Also it has information that most people, believe it or not, should really just think about.

  13. No, I do not agree with that.  Palin and I have completely different views of the issues.  

  14. Blah blah whatever...just a ploy to get votes...

    Besides, I don't believe in h**l.

  15. Well h**l doesn't exist, so I'll go with a no on this one.

  16. I don't vote  party or gender... I vote for the one that  I agree with his/her politics. Right now, that's neither candidate!  

  17. No Hon, God doesn't work that way.

  18. Again, your position is obvious. You seem to like to add fire to an issue that isn't really an issue at all. If you are amused by your own brilliance, then your vanity has blinded you from seeing the truth. Madeline Albright is attributed to saying this? If you think thats true, maybe you should read the article again. Since you like to poke fun at minor issues to persuade people of god knows what, Maybe, just maybe, reverend, I can get u to see that all women will not unite under the same banner all of the time. Isn't that obvious to you? Gawd, I hope so!

  19. Well it is awfully funny that feminists are bashing Palin when she represents everything that they are supposedly about.  She has risen above the odds becoming a successful mayor and then an amazing Governor with over an 80% approval rating which is unheard of in the political arena.  She has stood up against men and won over corruption.  She does not bring the kind of baggage to the plate as with Hillary and her illegal real estate dealing in Arkansas, and mysterious deaths of some of their closest friends.  Palin is a strong women with morals and values that most can only dream of having and sticking to.        

  20. Apparently that does not apply to women with a big R behind their name.

  21. There is no way to know. Obviously a person must first go to h**l to know what h**l is like, and if that person is in h**l, it is unlikely they would be back here posting answers. You should know that Rev.

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