
Are feminists divided between Hillary and Obama?

by Guest66814  |  earlier

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I read a yahoo article that said this was something that was happening. Is this true? Who are you voting for?




  1. I'll go with Obama.

  2. I think Obama is what this country needs.

    Rebel, McCain is anti-Constitution.

  3. I'm voting for Hilary.,

    how is McCain not evil? He is a republican idiot. anti-choice and anti woman!

    EDIT: check McCain's voting record. in my opinion, he is anti-woman. i will never vote republican. i didn't say all republicans are idiots, i just called McCain a republican idiot. which i think he is. McCain is for the rich and i am not rich.

  4. I am not impressed with any of the front runners and am seriously considering voting for someone outside of the two major parties.

  5. it isnt possible that feminist might also be in the republican party? or an independent and not vote by party?

    Standing behind McCain...lessor evil of the three...and the only one with any clue as to handle this war.

    Bubba....McCain isnt anti choice...he defines himself as "pro choice conservative".  Even quoted saying if he daughter got pregnant it would be up to her.

    How are fat is your wallet you can afford Hillary or Obama's tax's?  I cant afford paying an additional 20% of my income.

  6. I second the Mrs. and Untamed Rose.

    I'm not impressed by ANY of the candidates. I could probably write a book about how unimpressed I am but I won't bore you with that. I'll probably end up going with McCain because he's the lesser of the evils but I haven't completely given up on voting outside the main two parties.


    Not all Republicans are idiots. At this moment I am typing this to you are a very educated Republican.

    McCain is not anti-choice. No he doesn't agree with abortion but he recognizes that a woman has the right to decide.

    He's not anti-woman either. He made a couple of comments, when cornered, about the wage gap and they were taken way out of context just like his 100 years comment was.


    oh lord... you just made me defend a presidential candidate.

  7. Yes, but I think more are leaning toward Obama these days. I'm one of them. (I'm not voting for him, though, as I'm not American.)

  8. Nope, Obama '08!

  9. So none of them are considering John McCain at all?

    How is McCain anti-woman?

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