
Are feminists just female chauvinists?

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Why or why not?




  1. No. Feminists do not think that women are superior to men or should be treated as such.

  2. I hate it when people say feminists kinda things.  I think it's just the women that are all gunho about it, are the pain in the *** ones like HILARY CLINTON, anyways.  Females, can handle themselves, make their own decisions, without a guy telling us how and when and even where to do it.  I think it's just dumb, anyways.

  3. Obviously that depends upon the feminist.

    Some people will call me a female chauvinist or the like just for saying I believe that the health privacy laws we have in place regarding childbirth in this country are fair.

    To such people it is 'equal' to allow a man to watch a woman in childbirth even when the woman doesn't want him there and his presence could cause her undue trauma, possibly endangering her health and that of the child.

    However it is 'unequal' to dare suggest that a man be obligated to be present even if he doesn't want to.

    Likewise it is 'unequal' to suggest that a woman should ever be able to witness any medical procedure on a man.

    Basically anything the man wants goes > and arguing with this stance can get one called a feminazi, gender narcissist and the like.

    Eoghan - are you denying that you said 'feminists are gender narcissists' in response to my post?

    Yes, you did. In the question about whether a man should have the right to be present during childbirth. Oh dear, having problems multi tasking? :-)

    Know It All - considering that you're one of the most prominent male supremacists on GWS it comes as no surprise that you would think that way

    My point is that whether you view some feminists as female chauvinists depends entirely on whether or not you are a chauvinist yourself.

  4. some of them yes

  5. No. And the first answer is proof that we still have work to do.

  6. Well, yeah..

    They are like those people who will say, "I'm not a racist but........."

    and Sam, I've asked you not to put words in my mouth.

    Rio, are you the spokesman for all feminists?

    Sam, of course not, that's what I said???

    Anyway girls, you shouldn't let your personal problems spill over into Mutterhall's questions like this.

    RLMAO now Sam, don't be getting your knickers in a twist. I didn't deny saying it, you asked if I was denying saying it and I said "of course not, that's what I said", are you having problems processing logic?

    "My point is that whether you view some feminists as female chauvinists depends entirely on whether or not you are a chauvinist yourself."

    So a feminist is never really a chauvinist??

  7. I'm sure a section of them are, yes but to generalize like that is unfair and inaccurate. Some may seem chauvinistic when they are just fighting for justice between the sexes and what is morally right.

  8. At this point in time, yes. They certainly deserve credit for helping to gain women the equality they now enjoy. Women currently have the same opportunities as men, and it seems that the feminists won't be happy until men are made slaves at their feet and grovel with apologies for feeling superior throughout history.

  9. Just 'chauvinists' is all that's needed. Adding 'female' as a prefix makes it appear that chauvinism is an inherently male quality.

  10. I do know a few of those, but they are on the fringe.  

    I think too many assumptions are made when the topic focuses on one gender....  ya know, just because we are talking about oranges does not mean we think any less of mangos.

  11. Yep..

    A lot of feminists feel that women should have more rights than men.  For proof, just look at all the special laws and acts that they pushed for that favor women but discriminated against men.

  12. Chauvinism is extreme and unreasoning partisanship on behalf of a group to which one belongs, especially when the partisanship includes malice and hatred towards a rival group. This is a belief that women are superior to men.

    Feminism involves various movements theories and philosophies which are concerned with the issue of gender difference, that advocate equality for women, and that campaign for women's rights and interests.

  13. No, you're confused.... I'll print  it again. Feminist is their cute term that enables them to hide behind their SEXIST agenda. i.e. feminist = sexist.... REMEMBER THAT.

  14. Definately. They only care about stupid things like whether or not a game named "Fat Princess" makes women look bad because you can feed the character cake and make her get fat.

    But yet they rarely say anything about honor killings in the USA. Women get murdered their male relatives from cultures where this is acceptable. But hardly the feminists respond. And if they do, it is months after the incident occured.

    They say nothing when a woman's false rape accusation can ruin a man's life, yet the woman making the false accusation is not punished. At the most she will be charged with making a false police report. Where are the feminists demanding the woman be punished for her lying? Oh wait, she's part of the sisterhood.

    I don't see feminists fighting for women's right to be drafted. If they wanted true equality, they would ensure women could be drafted as well.

    Feminists are more about equal outcome than equal opportunity. Through Title IX, they have destroyed men's college sports by forcing "equality" to mean women participate in 50% of the sports. A lot of women don't play sports, so men's sports programs are cut in order to achieve the outcome.

  15. According to your dictionary definition; the answer is yes.  According to their actions and the words they place here; again yes.

  16. YES! femenists are chauvinists pigs who believe in female superority.

  17. No , I don't think they are , because most don't go around demonstrating their chivalry to become extremists.  

    Feminists are feminists because they have different views of their independence and should have entitlement to express their independent views.

    Some women are feminists, because of no other options that are given to them, they are sometimes left with  making tough decisions in making something out of her own independence.

  18. Some of them, most likely.

    But I believe in womens' rights fully, and I could move friggin mountains if I felt like it.

    But I don't think that lessens a man's worth, even by the slightest bit.

    But I do agree that some feminists are just female chauvinists in the sense that they believe they can do anything better than a man, blah blah BULL.

    So I could go either way with this one.

  19. A lot of them in the younger generation's funny because these young ones never have been sexually discriminated against in their entire lives and will squall about nothing...

  20. Using the definition in your question box, I would say yes.

  21. Yes, they are female chauvinists, as of today. If they aren't, their purpose for existence will be moot. ALL the femminists' responses above are proofs that they still have work to do with their attitudes.

    To answer your question : If feminism was started as a movement to get women the same rights as that of men, then as of today, when they do have equal rights, what do they have to complain about? A movement whose current theme is to get back at the men who had oppressed them IN THE PAST, has only one way of retaining their zeal - and that is by being female chauvinists. Some feminists know this and agree/do something to fix it. Other femminists ignore it and go ahead with their man-hating ways.

    Edit to Rio : I can believe your statement, because I ve been reading your comments for a while. But I don't see it being universally true. Read the tripe written by the poster above you. It reeks of man-hatred, if anything.

    Edit : "one of the most prominent male supremacists on GWS it comes as no surprise" - I say it the way I see it - from MOST of your questions/responses. You can't hide your man-hatred everytime.

  22. they are, there not going to be happy untill there better then men.

    but women just love to nag don't they

  23. They're not.

    Feminists aren't looking at themselves as necessarily superior to men. They look at themselves as 'just as good' and sometimes, ok, maybe better. But not in an arrogant way. Just in a way so that they can encourage the women of the world to stand up to the men to fight for rights. Feminists believe in what a woman is. They believe that when a man cheats on a woman, the woman should slap him and leave. They believe that if the boss chooses the milkman to the exectutive producer over the completely qualified woman because of her gender, the woman should sue. Feminists aren't into promoting Women Are Better. Because women have seen what its like to not be equal. And it sucks. Women just want to be equal. Not seen as less. And that's what feminists try to encourage. To step out of the caveman ages and into the modern world where men and women are equal.

  24. To a certain extent yes. The ones who are very over the top with it all are. As with religion etc. there are always people who take it to the extreme. I saw a guy hold the door open for a women in our building (a know feminist) and she had a go saying she was 'strong enough to get the door her self'. I wanted to kick her up the butt. He was holding the door out due to his good manners, NOT because she was female. I hold the door for women AND men. There are always over the top ones. They should be kicked up the but.

    My statement on the matter:  Women and men are NOT equal (why would we want to be). No one is better than the other though. I'm proud to be a women and very different from a man. (phew).

  25. Clearly so. In this supposed world of "equality" and by the same token we also have feminist 'jerks' and feminist 'creeps'. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

    As an equalist I abhor feminism and its hypocrisy.

    We equalists have much more work to do to enlighten people.

  26. Yes. For evidence see here (especially Section 2)

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