
Are feminists vengeful people?

by  |  earlier

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I find liberals to generally be peaceful and forgiving but a lot of feminists seem to be vengeful and warlike. I'm both liberal and feminist and I wonder why this is.




  1. Some, not all.

  2. Women are vengeful, the most extreme women are definitely that way.

  3. Not all feminist are like that. A lot of the ones I've met here are very nice people who only want equality. Nothing more nothing less.

  4. It all depends upon the topic that's being touched.  They were especially vengeful during our last abortion debate, which went on heatedly for a few days; for the most part you agree with them they leave you alone.  Not wanting to toot my horn I have proof. to supply.**Violation Notice Email‏

    From: Yahoo! Answers (

    Question: Do you think pro life persons should be required to adopt unwanted children?

    Question Details: I believe so.

    Deleted Answer: Tell you what were/had you kept your legs crossed you wouldn't even be making this post. You argument is baseless and stupid. Now, were I to spread my legs you can bet the baby is going to pop out; meaning I'm taking care of my end of the deal; can't say the same thing for you. In other words stop your whining. You made your bed so now you can lie in it. Women like you should get hysterectomies; after all we wouldn't want to over populate the world because of your stupidity; save yourself and us a lot of grieve. In that way you can spread your legs all you want; there'll be no abortions and everyone is happy. Think about it."  Anyways I tend to step on toes when I say my opinion.

  5. Of course. Ever seen "Kill Bill"........

  6. There are a variety of feminist ideologies, and some are certainly more militant than others.  There are some feminists groups and individuals who I would consider extreme in both belief and action, but the same is true with any group.  It could be said that most Christians, for example, are peaceful and forgiving, but this is not always the case either.  Stereotypes exist for a reason, as there is often some truth to them, but remember that they are only a broad generalization and should never be assumed to represent everyone in whatever group you are considering.

  7. 1. A male feminist is not the same kind of mentality as a female feminist.

    2. Who doesn't have a little vengeful side somewhere? All of us have had experience(s) of being wronged, and feelings that would sympathize with "getting even".

       The few women who might think that :"all men are rapists"--

    probably have a corresponding number of men who secretly cheer inside when they hear of something bad happening to a woman, just because he just got dumped or rejected by one of them.

      Anyone and everyone can have a grudge.

  8. Maybe it's just the feminists you know-those of a feather tend to flock together? Sounds like a generalization to me-I've met plenty of peaceful non-violent feminists and blood-thirsty wacked out liberals..

  9. are there any feminists left? I always thought that was a funny way to describe a woman's group of their agenda. I always considered myself feminine without the ist. I love real men. Not girlie men like Arnold  calls them.

  10. Feminist seem to have a chip on their shoulder in general because it is difficult for them to get their way.   They think if they yell and scream it makes them look as tough men.  Truth is the toughness in men is when we are not yelling and screaming.

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