
Are fibre foods a problem for me?

by Guest63669  |  earlier

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Hi there, a little while ago, it seemed to me that my body didn't really agree with 'high fibre foods' because every-time i ate brown bread, Kellogg's cereal and things like that, my body seemed to reject it, and i know it sounds a bit disgusting but i kept producing wind and going to the loo alot.. and lately i've noticed coco pops do it to me too. It's done it to me a few times but i didn't think much of it because it wasn't happening regularly, but yesterday i ate coco pops and i literally had to run too the loo and it gave me a bit of runny poo, and i thought i would eat them again today and it's done exactly the same.. but it's starting to pee me of slightly. Any advice on breakfast foods that i could eat?? orr. why i might be affected by high fibre foods?

Many thanks.




  1. mmm this is a difficult one as coco pops do not contain lots of fibre. What is the thing that all you cereals have in common? Perhaps the milk?

    Try a fruit salad for breakfast. Just because it's breakfast doesn't mean you have to have cereal. What about egg and grilled tomato, light of fibre but nourishing.

    Mind you if you have the runs you really should go see your doctor. It is a notifiable illness and means you really should not be in contact with vulnerable folks who might catch what you have should you have food poisoning.

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