
Are fighters faking injuries to get out of fights that have less interest from the public than thought??

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Mosley/Judah wasn't going to sell well and then a strange accident happened to Judah and the fight which was apparently not selling nearly as well as the promoter would have liked and now a match that i don't think too many people were anxious to see has been delayed:Jones/ it a real injury or is the promoter buying more time to see what the real interest is in this fight???




  1. In these fights no. HBO had paid rights to the fight so the fighters faking anything would not have benifited them in the long run. and also both fights were in vegas, which means casino are going to pay a great deal of money to host the fights. faking injuries is good in a case where their are mandatories in place because it can throw a fighter who has trained perfectly for it on balance. but if you are going to fake it in calzaghe case, you fake it a week before faking it before their has even been decent promotion for it would be pointless because ticket sells would pick up when you are promoting it. besides people saw the stitches for judah so he wasn't faking that

  2. Mosley Judah would've sold better than Mosley/Mayorga

    and Judah/Clottey; so your theory is out the window already.

  3. i cant see as they can earn good money some big money..

    they are fighters and today if you dont want to fight somebody

    you dont want you dont have to most they pick you or you pick them or you are the contender and your time has come for a title shot it mite be a big pay day or you was a champion and you slipped down the rankings then out of the blue a title shot pops up its your last chance at the big time what do you do?? fake some sort of injuries..... no you have a choice say yes or no

    but you will fight....

    so no i dont think so as you dont have to fight no one.....

  4. Well the tickets hadn't gone on sale for the Calzaghe Vs Jones Jr fight yet so how would they know about interest in the fight at this point in time. I would say that throws your conspiracy theory straight out the window on that fight too.

    I respect your opinion too but all i can do is give an honest reply to your question, i don't see a professional boxer faking injury to get out of a fight especially fighters of the calibre of Calzaghe and Judah but i can see why these conspiracy theory's are banded about and that's because of everybodys view in general that boxing has corrupt people within its network. All i can say is that my original answer and the answer above me (also ppv sales are mainly bought in the last week before a fight, so how can that come into it) do kind of put pay to your theory, how can they possibly know how much interest there is in a fight when they haven't started selling tickets, surely if the promoter was trying to do as you say then surely he would do this after poor ticket sales.

  5. need more time!!!! why would anybody wanna pay $50 to watch a washed up fighter and a boring fighter run around the ring?

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