
Are fillings in your teeth for life?

by Guest34426  |  earlier

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Are fillings in your teeth for life?




  1. Eventually some fillings have to be replaced because they leak or start to break off.

  2. Usually they last about 10-15 years....same for crowns.

    Then, they usually fail and have to be re-cemented in.

  3. because of cavities? yes, but u cant tell cuz they're white & they're in my back molars anyways they last like 10 yrs or more, but i cant really say cuz i had some when i was young & now my adult teeth have grown in. sooo... cant tell u from experience cuz i dont have that much age on me

  4. Yes.

    Maybe you can get the white ones and not the silver.

  5. No they are not. As you get older, they can develop cracks. So depending on the damage, your dentist might have to drill out the tooth and replace the filling. if there is too much damage he might just want to cap it. I'm going next month as a matter of fact to have one of my fillings replaced. I hate the sound  of that awful drill.

  6. Hopefully you never have another problem with that tooth once you get a filling. The white ones can make your teeth very sensitive to hot and cold for quite a few months. So if you choose the white fillings you need to know this. Sensodyne tooth paste helps with this.

  7. because of cavities?


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