
Are first impressions lasting?

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First Impressions

Am I who I appear to be

Can anyone really see

The soul deep inside me

Step right up the show is free

Here’s a view for your inspection

Watch me perform to perfection

Careful glimpses of my selection

Keep your eyes in this direction

I’ll respond to your command

Do anything that you demand

You’ll see that I’m your man

All the rest I’ll be better than

As time goes on the pages turn

Your good favor I’m sure to earn

I must see that you never learn

Make sure none can discern

In me lies another side

One so dark that he must hide

An actor that has lost his pride

All my strings aren’t quite tied

If by chance you get a view

If my debts finally come due

If you decide with me your through

Please remember I’m just like you





  1. What is this that you must hide,?

    Is She, not Always by your side.?

    Was It her that left you there,

    All alone and in Despair.?

    Did she not Wait so longingly,

    For you to come back

    from your break at Sea.!

    Was It Not Her You Crushed of Pride,

    Dented Ego,

    Soul destroyed.

    Did you not for one minute Think,

    How Very Much,

    She Needed That link.

    You say she's Really just like you,

    So Can't you see,

    She's HURTING Too?!

    I Think somewhere in your hapless self,

    you're over seeing your own self doubt!

    Avery Nice Penned Piece of yours again Sir.

    That I Related  to in many ways!

  2. As a person who has made a few "bad" first impressions that I have had to live down, I can sympathize totally.

    I have learned through these experiences to withhold judgment until I know a person better before I decide whether I like or dislike that person or trust or distrust him or her.

    I have been burned trusting too much and cowed trusting too little.

  3. It seems that the nature has two sides.  One - the performer - who will do his best to please - see me?  see me? - very eager and not too keen on watching out for bad vibes. The second one - the one who suffers the pain let in - the one who is introspective - the one who should be protected - by the buffoon #1 - who is not good at guarding the door ♥

  4. Nothing is as it seems.

    "I don't see things as they are, I see things as I am."

  5. point well taken, answers both mine and your question. one is indeed on best behavior impress on first impression. it is time that shows the true nature of an intention.hmmm... with you i think it isnt a matter of your public not relating to you...but more you not seeing that you are no worse than we. your demons come to our house too.

  6. Painfully well written...

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