
Are fishermen from certain countries allowed to fish outside of their country?

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...for a research paper




  1. Most definately.  For many years the Spanish, Portugeese, Russians, British and  Japaneese fishing trawlers fished in Canadian waters.  Canada traded Western Wheat to  Russia and gave them rights to fish in Canadian waters.

  2. Yes they can but there are a lot of rules and regulations that must be followed.

    Fishing vessels have been boarded by neighboring countries even though the vessel has been in international waters. Possible reasons include: type of nets being used, over fishing over quota, fishing companies that have broken the law previously etc.

    If you google ( 'international waters' +fishing ) lots of information is available that will expand on what I've been saying here.

    Here is an example:

    Canada Fires Warning Shots; Seizes Spanish Fishing Boat

  3. Yes.  You'll find fishing ships from many nations in "international waters."

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