
Are flies useful or useless?

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Are flies useful or useless?




  1. Flies are extremely important animals in the environment. Many species of animals depend on both the adults and larvae as sources of food. Many flower-visiting species are significant as pollinators of plants. Some are considered directly beneficial to humans. For example, the larvae of some flies prey on aphids in gardens and crops, while others eat the tissues of plants that are considered weeds. The presence of certain kinds of flies can be used as indicators of water quality. The presence of midge larvae known as blood worms indicates a polluted environment. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is the most intensely studied animal on Earth and is essential to genetic research. Several groups of flies that breed in decaying flesh have proven useful in helping police detectives to investigate human deaths. These flies have very specific food, temperature, and habitat requirements that can be used to establish not only the time of death but also if the body has been moved after death.

  2. Useful because they are food to the animals we really need.

  3. every animal plays a vital role in a food web. if flies where to lower in population the things lower in the chain would increase in number which might feed another animal more creating them to have a larger population which might make another of there alternative foods decrease in population. i could go on but that is a example of how much something so small can have a big effect. so overall they are very usefull

  4. well

    they are other animals food

    ie spiders

  5. All animals and insects are put here for a purpose even if that purpose is just to be food. But aside from being food for birds and lizards and rodents flys also help get rid of a rotting animal body. An animal dies and germs start feeding as well as certain insects. So as you see flies are food as well as the eaters.


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